Chapter One

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A girl around 17 or 18 years old wakes up groggily and looks around her surroundings. "What...? Where am I?" She shakes her head in an effort to wake herself up. "Better.. still..who am I?"

She attempts to get up but her legs buckle and she collapses on the floor.  "I wouldn't get up if I were you." She frowns and looks for where the voice had come from.

It was a man standing outside a sliding door with bars on.  He was aged around 35 to 40 and had very little Blonde hair and Brown eyes. He was a shifty kind of character which might explain his demeanor.

He enters the Cell room with a bunch of keys. She frowns at him as he helps her up. "Who are you..Who am I?."

He smiles as he places her on the bed "I'm Charles Chapman and I'm the head of this facility. You on the other hand we will just have to wait and see but so far we know your name is Guinevere Pitamore."

She frowns "What kind of facility?

He smiles at her "You'll soon find out.. You'll meet some of the patients soon in the meantime make yourself at home."

He turns to leave and shuts the sliding door of the cell and locks it. She screams after him "Wait.. I don't belong here..!"

He smiles through the bars "They all say that.. but now is your chance Guinevere to prove your worth, That's why I drugged you and brought you here..I chose you Guinevere.. Don't let me down.

She yells at him in distress. "You evil twisted...Freak!.. Let me out of here now!!"

He grins at her "Took you a while to come up with that one did it?.. You should rest until the drugs leave your system..We don't want you injured now do we?.."

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