#16 - His reaction on Christmas morning.

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It wasn't a second past 5am and you'd already been poked 100 times. You opened your eyes slightly and were greeted by Brad's happy and excited face. He wasn't a day over 7 years old.

"Brad you're 20. Go back to sleep. They're still going to be there in two/three hours time." You said.

He stuck his bottom lip out and rolled over to face away from you.


He'd woken you up again. But this time he wasn't as excited. He tapped your shoulder twice and then you rolled over to look at him.

"Now?" He asked.

You looked at the time on your phone and shook your head. He lay back down and went to sleep.


This time he was blowing air onto the back of your neck. It was quite a nice feeling until he started to do it a lot harder, then it just got annoying.

"Nope." You said without even looking at him.


This was the fourth time he'd woken you up and you'd given up. There was no way that you were going to get anymore sleep. However he woke you up differently this time. He slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer towards him.

"Come on then. You can go downstairs." You said. But you hadn't even finished your sentence and he was out of the bed and half way out the door.



He'd rung you up at midnight of Christmas Eve/Christmas Day and he'd sent a few text messages between then and now. Your first Christmas apart. But you'd made other plans and arrangements with his family (without him knowing). You didn't live that far away from his family home and you'd decided to get up that bit earlier on Christmas morning so that you could drive to his parents house.

You were there a bit early and it was clear that they hadn't got up yet so you waited for a bit in your car. Once you knew that they were up and James was about as ready as he was ever going to be, James's mum let you in the house without him knowing. You went and stood in front of all the presents and then a few minutes later the door opened and in walked James and Sophie. He ran towards you with the strength and speed of a rugby tackle.

He was so happy and pleased that it wasn't going to be your first Christmas apart. He hardly left your side for the whole of the day because he was so happy that you'd made the effort for him. He said it was the greatest present he could have asked for!



Connor was the laziest person you'd ever met. He hated getting up in a morning. He didn't mind waking up and staying in bed but he didn't like the idea of his body leaving the comfort and warmth of the mattress and duvet. He woke up Christmas morning just after 10am and you'd already been awake for two hours waiting for him to wake. When he did, he just lay there. Last, lazy Con. He rolled over, looked at you and smiled.

"Con, hun it's Christmas!!" You said with enthusiasm.

"Yepp." He replied.

"I don't care what you say. Today is the only day were I will not let you be lazy. You will get up. You will make me breakfast. You will not moan and we will open presents." You ordered.

"Euuuurrrgghhhhh." He moaned whilst rolling his eyes.

"Come on. Up. Before I push you out of the bed and drag you down the stairs by your feet." You shouted.

"Fine!" He said as he got out of bed.

You also got out of bed feeling like you accomplished something already.



You were at Tristan's mum and dads house. Tristan hadn't exactly told them that you were together so they kind of forced you to sleep in separate rooms. He said he was going to tell them on Christmas Day but you had your doubts. It felt strange not having him in bed next to you even though you knew he was in the same house.

You'd woken up on Christmas morning and didn't really know what to do. You didn't know what the kind of traditions that Tristan's family had. Did they get up early? Or sleep in for a bit?

Really you should go and ask Tristan what they do and you might even be able to stay in his room for a bit without his parents knowing. But instead, you got your phone off the bed side table next to you and texted him.

Are you awake?

You went and checked some social media whilst you waited for him to reply.

Yeah. Come in my room.

You really couldn't be bothered.

What time do you normally get up on Christmas Day?

Once again you checked social media whilst your waited for him to reply.

Don't know. Just come in my room we'll sort it out.

You didn't really have a choice now. You couldn't just ignore him.

Coming x

You went into his room (which was next door to the one you were sleeping in).

"I can't believe you were texting me when you could have just come in here and talked to me." He said.

"Texting is easier." You replied.

Tristan seemed like a relaxed person on Christmas morning but when he was opening presents he got really overexcited and wanted to try everything that he had gotten and he was kind of disappointed when it had all ended!


It's gone Christmas and I'm still doing Christmassy chapters. I'm only doing them now because I'm not sure if I'll still be writing by next Christmas and it's more suitable to write them around this time than in April.

What do you think of the new cover???

I'm not sure if I can get used to it yet!!

Katie xxx

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