#23 - Decorating the Christmas tree.

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Don't you dare put that Christmas tree up before I get home.

Brad texted you. Well, he was in a good mood! He was currently away touring Australia and he was due to get home the day before Christmas Eve. He made you promise before you left that you wouldn't put the Christmas tree up whilst he wasn't there. It was two days before he was coming home and you knew he would be extremely grumpy and jet lagged when he did get back.

But everyone else has there's up.

You replied.

I don't care. We're putting it up together when I get home!

He always liked to get his own way!

Fine! But you have to promise me that you'll sleep on the plane. I don't like grumpy Brad.

It was true. Grumpy Brad got on your nerves. He didn't reply after that.

The next text that he sent you was saying that he was a the airport in London and he wanted to come and meet him when he'd got his bags.

You went to the airport to pick him up.

"Come on let's go and put the Christmas tree up." He said.

You couldn't even have a real one this year because everywhere was sold out and he wouldn't even let you get one anyway. Christmas wasn't allowed to start without Brad. You got home and
got the Christmas tree and decorations out from wherever you stored them.

Brad didn't do much to help he mainly just sat down and watched. Then you got the star out. You started to reach up to out it on the top of the tree.

"Woah woah woah." Brad said.

"What?" You questioned.

"I do the star. I only wanted you to wait for me so that I could put the star on the tree, I am the star in the relationship." He said.

You handed the star over without saying anything and gave him a dirty look.



James was more excited than you, which you didn't think was possible. He loved Christmas just like you and you'd already been preparing for weeks before. Christmas was a time for lots of warm hugs, hot chocolates, scarves and big boots.

Autumn had been and gone and winter was on its way.

It was the time of year when you and James got to spend afternoons together, slouched in front of the to with nothing better to do!

But as soon as it became the first of December everything became Christmas orientated. The only films you were allowed to watch were Christmas ones and everything, even the food you ate became Christmas themed. However, the Home Alone boxset is saved for Christmas Eve and Christmas Eve only!

It was three weeks before Christmas and you couldn't put up with James's nagging any longer. You gave him permission to get the Christmas decorations out. He was so excited and was so cute to see him like this. It was like he'd turned 5 again.

He'd done the majority of the decorations but he never liked decorating the tree in his own... It had to be a joint effort so that you could stand back and admire the efforts that you had made together. Once it was all finished and the star had been placed on top you both went into the kitchen and made Christmas cookies!



Connor was a bit of a Scrooge when it came to Christmas. He hated putting the Christmas tree up because it never looks straight or it just took too long to do it. This was the time of year where Connor moans the most!

You were at work one day and you were looking forward to getting home and putting the Christmas tree up so that you could get in the proper Christmas spirit. For the past few years you'd done it on your own because you'd just get too frustrated with Connor's complaining.

The day had ended and it was time for you to go home from your long day at work. You pulled up outside yours and Connor's house but you were mortified at the sight of your decorated Christmas tree that stood tall and proud in the middle of your living room. You stormed up the drive and swung open the front door to your house.

"Connor!!!! How dare you!" You screamed.

"What?" Connor ran over to you looking all flustered.

"Why have you put the Christmas tree up? You never do it. I always do it." You yelled.

"I knew you were working all day and I didn't think you would want to do it tonight so I saved you the hassle and did it for you." Connor said happily.

"That tree was the only thing getting me through today and you ruined it!" You shouted.

"Ohh right. So you don't look forward to coming home and seeing your boyfriend then? Charming!" He said.

You couldn't stay mad at Connor for much longer because you knew he was only trying to help, but you were gutted that you couldn't put the Christmas tree up.



Tristan had decided that he was going to help you in a different way this year than he normally does. Normally you each take a side of the Christmas tree and decorate it yourself with the different coloured baubles and lights. Obviously the Animal teddy that Tristan takes everywhere goes on top of the tree.

However this year, Tristan said he was going to let you do the Christmas tree by yourself and he was going to do something else whilst you were decorating. But he never said what.

You started to organise the decorations and check that the lights worked when Tristan walked in and sat on the sofa behind you. You looked at him expecting him to show you something but he just looked back at you.

"Carry on." He said and gestured for you to turn around and carry on with what you were doing.

You turned around and started to put the lights on the tree. That's when Tristan revealed what how he was going to help you...

He started to sing the songs that were on The Vamps's Christmas album. It was very rare that Tristan would sing but when he did you would hope that he wouldn't stop. He sang for the whole time that you were decorating the tree even if you did do it slower to make him sing longer. His voice was amazing.

But the second you put the star on top of the tree he stopped singing.

You'd do anything for him to sing to you again.


This is the last Christmassy chapter, I know it's a bit late now (I might not be writing next Christmas I don't know yet!)

Katie xxx

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