Tristan Imagine.

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For: lexi101601 (a.k.a Lexi)

Lexi's P.O.V

I was scared. Who wouldn't be? When a group of guys in masks come and pick you up and throw you in a van, what do you do?

Scream and risk being hurt because of your actions or do nothing at all and let them do what they want?

I was currently stuck in the back of a van, I was very uncomfortable. Obviously. But not only because there was three guys sat around me, watching me but because I was stuck lying on the floor of a van and the driver wasn't very good and dodging holes in the road!

I couldn't see anything - they'd covered my eyes. I could smell petrol and it was very clear that this van was stolen also. The only thing I could feel was the pain of my wrists as the rope was wrapped so tight around them that I could feel it starting to burn. I could hear the laughter and giggles of the guys sat around me and I could hear the road rage of the person driving. All I could taste was the mud and dust from the floor of the van which I knew would be engraved into my lips for weeks to come.

The van came to a stop. We were stopped too long for it to be traffic lights. As if they'd even stop at traffic lights, risking not only my life but theirs too.

Where are the four goofy guys that I know and love when I need them?

I bet they haven't even realised that I've gone missing? How long will it take them to figure it out? Will I still be alive by then?

I guess I'm not exactly in the greatest position. Me and Tristan had a bit of an argument and I ended up storming out of the house and going for a walk to think things through in my head. But when I got outside (our house has big electronic gates for security) there was the van and the group of guys waiting for me.

I still can't understand how they found me and why they wanted me!

They obviously wanted me because they've been talking about me and the boys the whole time that we've been in the van. I've just chosen not to join in the conversation and correct them when they got their facts wrong.

Me and Tristan always have our mini fights but they never mean anything. It changes nothing between us. If anything it makes us become closer. We learn new things about each other everyday and I love him more and more everyday. I just miss him now. I wish I'd never started the argument. It was stupid anyway and got completely out of hand.

Suddenly, the doors to the van opened and it became clear that they'd just wrapped a plastic carrier bag around my head - it wasn't a very good blindfold. I was dragged out into a place that was very bright and smelt of bleach and antiseptic. I seemed like a hospital. But what hospital would let four men drag a blindfolded girl out of a van?

The Vamps had just finished their sixth album and had just launched a large amount of new merchandise which the fans were going crazy about (and also me - I had everything, mainly because Tristan bought it all for me as a joke!). So the guys had come into quite a lot of money. Tristan said he wanted me to be careful - that he didn't want me going out alone. But I didn't listen to him. He always feared that something like this would happen to me and it has done!

How could I try and get help?

I'd named my kidnappers so that I would be able to name their characteristics if I'd ever get questioned about them. Thing One, Thing Two, Thing Three and Thing Four.

Thing One had a deep voice and he was the driver, the one with the really bad road rage. Thing Two had long hair and quite a high pitched voice for a man. Thing Three just smelt of pure sweat and that's all I could think of. Finally, Thing Four seemed to be the most nervous out of the four of them, like he'd been forced to do it and he didn't want to. I don't think he ever moved from the corner of the van.

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