Tristan Imagine.

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For: 3cheersforfrerard  (a.k.a Ellena)

Tristan's P.O.V

Yeah, there is a huge height different between me and Ellena but I don't care - it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I love her.

It was the weekly movie night with all the boys at mine and Ellena's house. It was James's week to bring the selection of DVDs to watch or he could pick a few films on Netflix. We'd got all the drinks and snacks ready, even though no one bothers with them - they just go searching through the cupboards to get whatever they want. By the end of the night we end up with absolutely no food in the house and the only drink we have is water from the tap.

We'd gotten through a few films already and this is the point where everyone becomes restless. We normally change to playing a game or just talking. I don't think we've gone through one movie night and not stopped a film half way through because we're all bored. We all think it's a great idea but when it actually happens we don't actually watch anything because we can't choose and just waste the whole night arguing or we start watching a really long film and just get bored.

We'd stopped the film and turned the Tv off. We were still sat in darkness but we could kind of see the outlines of each other. There was a lot of whispering that I wasn't involved in. Ellena was sat right next to me and I had my arm around her... It's just like normal nights in our house.

"I know yeah!" James said after Connor whispered something.

"What are you saying?" I asked.

"Just how you and Ellena are a really odd couple because you're so tall and she's so small." Connor replied.

"Everyone has been thinking about it but they've just never admitted it." Brad said.

"Yepp, she's a midget." James said.

Ellena laughed a little bit but not enough to satisfy me that she was ok with everything.

"You know what, I've had enough of everyone taking it out on her because she's so small and we don't match because the height difference is too much... But I don't care. I love Ellena for who she is and I'm not going to let what anyone says get me or her down. True love is all that matters.

"Tristan, chill it's ok. They're speaking the truth and it doesn't matter because I feel the exact same way to you as you feel to me." Ellena said.

She put me at ease a little bit but they still shouldn't have been saying things like that, whether it was a joke or not.


Sorry it's so short and so bad...I'm finding it hard to keep my eyes open at the moment but I just wanted to post something.

Katie xxx

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