It's been a while...

1.8K 39 15

I'm sorry that I haven't updated for a long time - I've had exams, wifi problems and I've discovered a youtuber who I'm absolutely obsessed with... He's just 😍!!

I was hoping that I might have been able to do some writing over the two weeks off, but I have a lot of catching up to do for school and revision. I feel really bad that I'm not able to write!!

I'm also going on holiday on Sunday. I'm going skiing in Andorra and I'm soooo excited!! But if the wifi is anything like it was on my last skiing holiday then I won't even be checking Wattpad!

But it's also not long till I go watching The Vamps and I always get a little buzz and I have lots of new ideas once I've been so there will probably be some new updates around the 16th of April (anyone else going to the show in Manchester??)

But as always in any A|N of mine there are apologies and also a few times were I say thank you...


I never actually thought that I would reach that on one book so that's actually so amazing and I definitely couldn't have done it without you!!

And also the first book is so so so close too 800k reads!! 800000 reads that's a lot. WOW!!

I'm genuinely so happy, thankful and grateful to those people who are there for me everyday on Wattpad - I know I've never met you but I wish I could - you're so kind and I learn something new everyday about them!!

Thank you for all being there for me!! Even you ghost readers!!

Katie xxx

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