Connor Imagine.

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For: likeaboss9775 (a.k.a Rosalie)

Rosalie's P.O.V

I'd spent the afternoon with James, whilst Connor was out. I never get to spend much time with James - well not as much time with him as I do with Connor, Tristan and Brad. Whenever we have time together, when they actually have time off, James is either at home spending time with his sister or he's in the gym. Which means that I never get to see him. The longest time that I've seen him recently was when he was on stage!

I feel really close to James and this is why we have our own individual catch ups. I feel bad for him because it's always a long trip for him to meet me from his family house and to go back because it's quite a distance.

However, this time I'd decided that I would travel to him instead. I'd arranged to meet him somewhere in the town that he lives, we'd have something to eat and then we'd both go back to his house and spend some proper time together. I'd finally got there after spending about 3 hours driving. I couldn't find him. So I texted him.

Where are you?

I typed and sent it.

Behind you.

Was the reply. I turned around and he wasn't there so I looked again and I stood on something soft, but hard at the same time. When I looked at what I'd stood on, it was James's foot. He was literally millimetres behind me when he said and he was moving around when I turned.

We went and had some lunch at one of James's favourite restaurants - Nando's - obviously. He payed for me because we hadn't spent that much time together for a while. Then we headed back to the house that his parents live. I followed him in my car because I wasn't really sure of my surroundings.

We arrived at his house, I parked my car around the corner because there wasn't much space anywhere else. There was no one else in the house, which I was quite pleased about because I would have found it a bit awkward - his mum and dad being there knowing that Connor was my boyfriend would have made me feel uncomfortable.

We sat down on the sofas with a cup of tea each. We talked and talked for ages. We talked about a million things. Some deep, some stupid. Relationships, holidays, The Vamps, jokes there were so many different subjects and things we talked about.

We heard a noise coming from the door. We stopped talking and listened but couldn't hear anything else so we carried on talking.

"What's your plans for the rest of the year. Have you got any more holidays booked?" I asked James.

"What's this?" A voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw Brad, Tristan and Connor. Connor stood in front of the other two. They were all holding Sainsbury's bags full of bottles and food.

"What do you mean? 'What's this?'" I said.

"I mean what are you two doing here like this." He replied.

"We're having a catch up!" I said, getting slightly angrier that my own boyfriend didn't trust me.

"We've just come all this way to surprise James and have a bit of fun and a laugh and when we get here I find you two. I should have known something dodgy was going on." He shouted.

"Dodgy?" James questioned.

"Yeah she wouldn't tell me where she was going and was acting really weird about it and now I understand why." He bellowed.

"Trust me Con. She just came so that we could have a chat and a catch up. I always get to see you guys and hardly ever get to have a talk with Rosalie." James defended me.

"I give up. You've sorted out all your lies ready, just in case I found out. And I have. I'm leaving." He said as he dropped the carrier bags on the floor. Bottles smashed and the door slammed.

"I'm so sorry. I've got to go." I said with a single tear falling down my face.

I calmly walked out of the house and then ran to my car before I burst. I had to wait a bit before I could drive. The tears were blinding.

He doesn't trust me - his girlfriend - and he doesn't trust one of his best friends!

I don't know if me and Connor will get back together...


Hope it's ok!!!

I go back to school on Tuesday so I don't know what's going to happen with the updates. I'm going to write as many as I can in the last two days that I have off!

Katie xxx

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