James Imagine.

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For: llJoshsbumll (a.k.a Margot)

James's P.O.V

She was just like everyone else... But you wouldn't be able to tell that she was Brad's sister - they were different in so many ways. She was just like every other girl... Obsessed about us, One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. It just really irritated me. She's really pretty but it's just... I don't even know. If there was just something different about her, then things between us might be completely different. But they're not. I'd gone round to Brad's one day to help him with writing a new song and I was really hoping that she wouldn't be in. I don't know why I'm like this with her but I just can't help it... I just have this urge to hate her because of who she is and what she likes. But I can't understand why... She's the prettiest girl that I've ever seen.

I arrived at Brad's and I instantly knew that she was there... Mainly because she answered the door. I went straight upstairs to find Brad. We did some messing about with the song, changed a few words added some bits here and there and then we were more or less done.

"Ohh yeah, I've just got one more quick favour that you could do for me considering that you've come in your car." Brad said.

"What is it?" I sighed.

"Please can you take Margot to her dance thing. She'll tell you where it is and everything, it's just that I've not got my car at the moment." He replied.

I guess I had no other choice but to take her - it's probably going to be a really long, awkward car journey.

"Go and tell her to get ready... I'm leaving in five minutes." I said.

I was sat outside the house in my car waiting for her to come. She eventually came out with her bag and her phone in her hand. She came and sat in the car next to me in the front. She hadn't even in the car two seconds and she'd already asked if she could turn the radio on. She turned it on and changed the channel straight away. The 1975 were playing through the speakers of my car. She's not the person that I thought she was. As I drove off I watched her out of the corner of my eye for a bit.. She was always tapping her foot along to the beat of the music.

I turned the radio off and looked at her.

"I didn't know that you liked The 1975." I said.

"Yeah, I also like Marianas Trench, and Twenty One Pilots." She replied.

My views on her as a person changed suddenly.

"And without sounding really nosey, what exactly am I driving you to now?" I said.

"I'm a dancer and I have practice on now." She answered.

"What kind of dancing?" I asked.

"Hip hop and jazz. Why?" She questioned.

"No reason, I'm just asking." I said.

She's totally different to what I thought... I like it.

I dropped her off at her dance practise thin and rung Brad up.

Calling Brad.

B: Hey.

J: Hi.

B: What's up?

J: Nothing, I just wanted to ask you a quick question.

B: Yeah, what is it?

J: Does your sister have a boyfriend?

B: No... And she's not getting one so don't even think about asking her out.

J: But why?

B: Ohh stop your whining she's my sister and she's not going to go out with my best mate. No means no.

J: But please Brad.

B: I'll think about it.

Phone call ended.

It only took Brad about a day to think about it properly he told me that I could ask her out but only if she was back within his time limit. He'd set a list of rules that I had to follow in order for me to keep taking her out.


6 months later and me and Margot are still together and Brad is a little less over protective - but not much!


I've literally had no time this week to do any updating - I've just been too busy!!

Sorry that the imagines are taking so long to write but school had just got a lot more intense recently, I'm looking at colleges etc. and I'm getting ready to go on holiday at the end of the month so everything has been really hectic.

I hope it's ok and I'm really sorry that you had to wait so long for it!!

Katie xxx

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