Part One.

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There he stood, the smile plastering his face. He looked trouble - troubled enough to take it out on me. There was no way I could get past him. If only I could fly! He stood there watching and waiting. Once again I was going to be the one and only on his list. Me, the punch bag. One more bruise could be the end of me. The dream that I had last night was now distant - the only piece of happiness I had was slowly fading. I have no one. I walk the streets at night in my torn clothes (which is yet another reason he can use against me). I try not to get my school uniform dirty because I have no way of washing it. They're the only 'best' clothes that I have. No food, no water, no family, no friends no help. At all.

Every night I try to sleep on the cold, damp floor but it's uncomfortable. I hope to have the feeling of happiness. One day. A single five minute dream is all I need just to keep me going that bit longer. But that never happens to me - does it? One person is all I need, one act of kindness, but society these days is too selfish. Nothing good every happens to me. Just the bad.

My routine never changes. School then find somewhere to sleep. This is repeated everyday except for Saturday and Sunday when I try and search for any form of food. The morning came again and with that five minutes of happiness. I take the short walk back to school just to find him stood there waiting again.

Verbal abuse was the worst. Physical - I can get over it, the bruises will go, the cuts will scab over but the words will forever be there. Once he started he couldn't stop and I don't think there's been one day were he's not said anything. No, I don't have a home and no I don't have a family but that doesn't stop me from trying to build a future for myself. Even though I am trying, he always has to knock me back. Why can't we just live in a world where there is PEACE? That's all I ask. Not just for my sake but for everyone else's.

My problem is that I'm too scared to ask. Too frightened to talk. Too afraid of what the consequences may be.

The day is over and I feel relief throughout my body. 12 hours rest away from the boy that likes to make my life hell! At the moment, that's the only thing I have to look forward to... Being able to leave school.

I don't like causing myself pain so everything has a name. Mr Razor and Mrs Knife. It makes me feel like other people are causing the pain for me, so that I don't have to deal with the fact that I am doing it to myself. I haven't actually used anything like this yet but it's getting to the stages were I can't cope much longer...

I need help!


This week is anti-bullying week. I've written this to show that no one is alone. There will always be someone there to help and I want that person you turn to, to be me. No one should ever go through anything like this alone. Even though this what I wrote is completely fictional - some form of this short story is happening somewhere in the world right now, whether it is physical, verbal, emotional or over the Internet.

School try their best to talk to us about the consequences of bullying and how the school is there to help anyone, but it doesn't really help when it's coming out of 40 year old teachers mouth. I'm 16 and I know that what they say is useless to the people who are victims of bullying. People who are bullied lose more and more of their confidence each day because of people's words and actions. How are they going to be able to stand up to someone when they have hardly any confidence? If you try standing up to someone who is making you feel like this it can sometimes make things worse. There are also other effective, easier ways in which your problems can be solved.

Just by talking to someone that you don't know (I know it sounds creepy) but they can be the best people. I know people on wattpad that are on the other side of the world and I've been talking to them for almost a year now and I don't think there's been days were we haven't spoken and we always tell each other when we've had a bad day or things are getting hard and it means that we're letting it out, not keeping it bottled up inside. If you need someone like that then I'm here for you. I don't know you properly and there's not exactly anyone that I can tell about it.

But also, you need to tell someone. Someone that can put an end to your pain. Mr Razor and Mr Knife don't help - they only cause you more pain and cause your family pain. It doesn't have to be someone inside school or a family member that you talk to - it can be anyone that you feel comfortable talking to.

Finally, if you see anyone else struggling, whether you see the scars from Mr Razor and Mrs Knife, go and tell them that they're no longer alone. They can count on you because knowing that you've potentially saved someone's life or made someone feel that tiny bit better after the horrible day they've had can make a huge difference to The everyone!

Katie xxx

Don't be afraid to message me, I'm here for you!

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