Brad Imagine.

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For: emily_loves_cake (a.k.a Emily)

Brad's P.O.V

It breaks my heart every day to see how that monster is breaking my best friends heart. I've known that he has been cheating on Emily for a few months now, but I've never told her because she is so in love with him that she's too blind to see the dark side that he has. It makes me sick to my stomach that someone would do something like that to an innocent person like Emily. She's my best friend and I hate to see her hurt if she finds out. She needs to get out of the relationship while she can.

I'd asked Emily to come round to my house today. We do this every couple of weeks when I can so that we can have a catch up and a laugh. To be honest, if she hadn't have met Dan then I would more than likely be her boyfriend now. She's kind, considerate and pretty - I know why Dan fell for her in the first place. But now he is ruining her life. She might not ever be able to trust anyone after this, which would be hard for me to watch.

She arrived at my house and I didn't know how long I should wait to tell her. Should I just come out with it or should I wait a bit first? I don't know how she will react. Will she take her anger out on me? Or will she be glad that I've told her?

Dan had put me in a horrible situation and I really wasn't comfortable. I'd been pretending to my best friend for months that everything was good and nothing major was happening. I feel terrible for not telling her earlier.

She'd been sat down at my house for about 10 minutes. I'd got her a drink and she seemed happy and relaxed. I just have to go and ruin it all now, don't I.

"Ermm Emily, I've got something really important that I need to tell you. I don't know how you'll react but you just need to listen really carefully." I said, my voice shaking with nerves.

"What is it Brad?" She replied understandingly.

"I've seen Dan with someone else. He's cheating on you." I said and she paused for a moment.

"How dare you! You think you can break me and Dan up. You think that you can lie to me like this. Well think again 'pal'. I thought I could trust you, I thought you would always be there for me. I thought you were happy for me just like I'm happy and proud of you. I know what's wrong with you... You're lonely. Tris has a girlfriend. James has a girlfriend. Connor has a girlfriend. You don't. Your lonely and jealous. You're jealous of other people's happiness. You want to break me and Dan up so that you're not the only miserable one. Well tough. No little lie of yours is going to break the relationship that I have with my boyfriend. I don't know what's wrong with you but I think everything has gone to your head! This is the end of our friendship. How could you do this to me?" She shouted as she stormed out of my front door and into her car.

I've just lost the most important person in my life and all because she was too blind to see what her 'perfect' boyfriend is doing to her.


I've never forgotten the day that she accused me of breaking her and Dan up. She even left me thinking that I am lonely. I found myself lying in bed on weekends thinking how my life had gone wrong instead of being out with the other boys. She left me thinking what have I actually achieved. I'd lost my best friend. I was miserable. And I didn't have anyone that cares about me that much. I never see my family and I'm obviously a terrible friend.

If I hadn't have said anything that day I wouldn't be in this situation now. Or would I? Would she have shouted at me for not telling her when I found out about him. I just can't win either way. I feel like I've lost everything...

I'd thrown myself into writing songs and performing to try and get my mind off the best friend that I had lost. We were writing our second album and there was just one more song that we wanted to write to finish it off but we hadn't any ideas left.

With nothing left to distract me, I started to cast my mind back to the night that I told Emily about Dan. That was it! It didn't take me long but I'd written a full song. I'd got it approved by James, Tris and Connor and we recorded it the next day.

Cheater by The Vamps.

A few weeks after our second album was released and I got a text message from a mobile number that I didn't recognise.

I'm so sorry that I shouted at you. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you, you were just looking out for me and I realise that now. I can't believe I was so blind to what he was doing to me. I will never forgive myself for the things that I said to you. I really am sorry. You're album is perfect and this is what made me realise about Dan. You're the nicest person I've ever met and I can't believe I've blown it all away. Emily X

The text message actually brought a tear to my eye. But I didn't know whether to reply or not. And if I did reply what would I say. I decided to leave it for a while, I could always say that I was busy if she asked.

Days after receiving the text, she tapped me on my shoulder whilst I was queuing up in Starbucks.

"Do you want to sit down?" She asked and pointed to the empty table at the side of us. I nodded in reply.

I didn't know what to say to her.

"How've you been?" I asked.

"Brad I'm sorry. I know you're mad - you didn't reply to my text. I should have listened and given you time to explain. As soon as I found out and realised that he was cheating I left. I packed my things up and left. Now I'm squeezed into my mum and dads house." She said.

"You can move in with me if you want." I mumbled.

"What?" She said.

"You can move in with me if you want." I replied with a smile.

"What would I do without you." She said as she stood up and gave me a hug.


Hope it's ok!!!

Thank you so much for 500 votes. It really means a lot knowing that people are still reading.

Katie xxx

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