Brad Imagine.

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For: IMAFANOF1D4EVER (a.k.a Faith)

Faith's P.O.V

All I was doing was driving along the road normally. I was on my way home like normal. I took the exact same route home from work. Nothing ever seemed to happen really. Maybe a fox would run in the road every now and then but not much more. It was clear that I didn't touch wood soon enough!

I turned round the corner on the narrow lane and I saw the bright head lights coming towards me and I mean towards me. They came that direct with me that they hit me.


The car spun round and round from the impact of the large lorry and I felt something trickle down my face. I'm sure it wasn't tears.


Brad's P.O.V

That's never a situation I want to be in again. The phone call was so horrible and awkward I felt like crying but I wanted to stay strong while I was on the phone. Faith was in hospital. My beautiful girlfriend lying flat on a bed, all on her own and in so much pain. I didn't waste much time. I got into my car and started to drive as fast as I could. Trying to stop my vision from going blurred because of the tears in my eyes. As I drove round the corner I saw a police and a tow truck with Faith's car on the back of it. What a mess!

It just made me put my foot down even harder on the accelerator. The amount of emotional pain that I was, I wasn't even bothered if the same happened to me. But I knew Faith needed someone strong to hold her hand through everything that she was about to go through. It felt like it took me a lifetime to get to the hospital. I ran frantically around the hospital trying to find her. No one knew where she was so I was just going to have to find her myself! It took me a while to figure out where she might be, but in the end I found her!

She was lay flat on her back with wires coming from everywhere. Machines beeped and liquid dripped. Her eyes were shut and she was restrained by the neck brace that held her tight. There was so many doctors all rushing around her that at some points I could barely see her. The love of my life, lying lifeless on the bed before me. I just wish that I could do something to help.

"Are you immediate family?" One the people in uniform turned round and asked me.

"I'm... I'm... Im her boyfriend." I struggled to find the words, I was just in so much shock!

"Please if you can just go and wait in the room over there. I'll be over in a minute to talk you through what's going on after we've thoroughly checked here." He said.

I turned round and headed over to the room which the doctor had pointed to just then. I sat down and waited for him to come and tell me what was going on. I was thinking the worst.

All my emotions got fired up when the doctor came in to see me.

"Right I'm going to be honest. It's not looking too good I'm afraid. She has multiple fractures and wounds to her body and she also has internal injuries from the impact that the seatbelt had on her chest and abdomen. She is extremely ill at the moment. The only chance that she has of surviving the next few days is a kidney transplant. However, people can wait months for a suitable organ to become available. Things might not work out how you plan." He said.

It took me a wile to process all of his words in my head.

"I'll do it. I'll donate a kidney." I said quickly without really thinking.

"I'm sorry sir but it's not really as simple as that. You need to have a matching blood type for those to work and it's very unlikely that you will be." He replied.

"How long will it take to test if we have the same blood type?" I asked.

"An hour maybe a little bit less." He answered.

"I want you to test me right here, right now!" I ordered.

I'd do anything to save my girlfriend. The doctor walked out of the room and came back with a needle and a pot.

"Just extend your arm out for me. Sharp scratch in 3, 2, 1." Then he paused.

"All done." He added after taking a sample of my blood.

The next hour consisted of me pacing up and down the corridors of the hospital because they wouldn't let me see here. They were running further tests to see if there was anything else wrong with her.

The doctor came back and told am that I was a positive match. I couldn't believe it but then I realised that I'd have to have surgery too. But I'd do anything to make my precious girlfriend better.

It wasn't much longer after that and I was lying on a hospital bed myself, waiting to be prepped for surgery. I'm not going to lie I am quite nervous and scared, but it's something I have to do!

Faith's P.O.V

It felt like it had been so long since I'd been awake and I'd left like I'd missed a lot. I tried to sit up in my bed but the pain was too much and I had to give up. I turned to my left and there was balloons, cards and bunches of flowers all with my name on. Then I turned to my right. My gorgeous boyfriend was lying in the bed next to me, staring into my eyes with a great, big smile on his face. I was going to question why he was in the bed next to me but it didn't take me long to realise what he'd done for me.

"You're my crazy, goofy sometimes stupid, oh so amazing boyfriend. You know that don't you?" I said.

He just smiled back at me.


It's been a while since I last updated!! I'm sorry!!! I thought I'd be able to write loads whilst I was off but I've just had so much homework and revision that I've just not had the time to do any writing!! I really miss it!!

Omggggg the first The Vamps Preferences is almost on three quarters of a million reads... I can't believe it!!! I'm so happy and thankful for everything that everyone has done to get me this far!!

I love each and every one of you sooooo much!!!

Also, go and check out wonderland2016 's story about Brad Simpson. It's really good and you should go and have a read!!

And also check out ele-melon 's book called 'Please?'. I was so overwhelmed at the message she put on my notice board a few days that it actually made me cry. I started reading her story and I'm absolutely hooked!!

Katie xxx

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