Tristan Imagine.

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For: TimeBomb1994 (a.k.a Phoebe)

Tristan's P.O.V

"I'm afraid Phoebe has been in a car accident. It wasn't her fault but she's now in a critical condition. I'd advise that you get to the hospital as soon as you can."

I put my phone down and just ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could. I didn't have time or energy to go the nearest tube station and wait I just had to get there quick. As I was running I was thinking about what I'd just been told. While I was running I was trying to make sure that the red box in my pocket wouldn't fall out. I'd be devastated if I lost the red box and phoebe both in the same day.

I reached the hospital and I was told where she was and exactly what was happening. She was in a coma. My Phoebe in a coma.

"She'll be able to here you talking to her but she just won't respond." The nurse said and left the room. Her face was black and blue, cuts and scratches scattered her face but it didn't make her less beautiful. I didn't leave her side. Day after day I stayed there, holding her hand, waiting for her to wake up. Every time I fell asleep I dreamt about her waking up but when I woke up she would still be lying there, lifeless.

After a few weeks the nurses and doctors asked if I wanted the life support machine off. To let her go in a 'dignified' way. But I couldn't. I wouldn't. I wasn't going to let her go that easily. My girlfriend, Phoebe, she's a fighter.

After another few weeks I was still there by her side waiting, hoping. There was a tiny bit of movement in her eyes, then a flicker, and then a blink. She was awake. And I was there by her side when she did. I can't imagine how bad I must look now, after weeks of not sleeping and hardly eating.

The nurses came in and removed all the tubes and helped her get comfortable. All of her injuries now had healed and she was basically back to normal except for the fact that she will have to have physiotherapy to be able to do things again because her muscles haven't worked for a long time.

After a few more days she was awake and alert and was able to talk to me again. I got hold of her hand, smiled at her and kneeled at the side of her bed. I then took out the red box that was in my pocket and opened it.

"I was going to do all this in a more romantic way than this. But when I planned to do it I got the phone call about you being in hospital. I'm asking you here now because I love you and I'm so happy that you made it through. Will you marry me?" I said.

"Yes! Owwwww!" She said as she leant forward.

"No no don't move lie back. It's ok don't hurt yourself." I replied to her.

It took her another few weeks to fully recover but now she's back to normal.


Sorry that it's quite short!! Hope it's ok.

Katie xxx

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