Life Update...

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I can't believe how long it's been. I thought I'd just let you know what's going on.

I'm currently half way through my A - levels. I've done my AS exams in all three of my subjects and I'm waiting to find out what grades I got now!! I'm soooo nervous!!

I've just got back from a family holiday with my parents and my boyfriend to Majorca. It was so cute! We went for meals, watched the sunrise and sunsets, walked along the sand. I wish I could go back and do it all again. I had such a good time and it's really weird not having him around now after spending so long with him! The picture at the top/side is from when we hiked up one of the mini mountains at 5 in the morning so that we could watch the sunrise together. It looks really weird but I'm just resting my head on his shoulder.

I've got lots of other stuff planned for over the summer and I can't wait!

I thought about writing some more chapters whilst I'm off from college but I don't know what to write anymore, so I'll just leave it how it is and just give you the odd life update here and there.

I've made a summer bucket list of all the things I want to do before I have to go to college and I've only got about 20 things on it. If you can think of any good summer things for me to do then comment them and I'll try and do them.

I miss writing but I don't know what I could do 😢.

Comment some of your plans for the summer then I can start talking to you all again!!

Thanks for a total of over 1.3M reads. It's crazy!

Katie xxx

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