Chapter 25

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I haven't said it. but...thank you so much for reading. :) It means the world to me.


Vic frowned at his reflection, Harry had appeared and left within the matter of a month and apparently he had broken into Gringotts and flew off on a dragon. Alexandria was now gone, she vanished soon after she saw Bill. Fred was out for blood now, blaming everything on Vic with every chance he got. Vic didn't blame him, if he were crazy about a girl and Fred had done something like that to her, Vic was certain he'd act the same. He just wish that Fred would lay off. But he hadn't as of yet.

Of course Alexandria Desmond didn't know any of this, instead she was standing before the tomb of the first vampire. The original himself: Liam. He laid displayed for all to see with candles that no longer held a flame around him, a name plate embroidered into the stone he laid upon. A stake driven through his heart by his own hands. Alexandria stood bouncing slightly, she never believed she would find this place. Never believed she would be able to look upon the remains of the creator himself. Never thought that she could be so very close to the cure to vampirism.

Alexandria felt the need to kneel before him, and as she did so, she felt the wind pick up slightly.

"Liam, the first of our kind. Driven to murdering himself because of insanity that immortality brought him," Alexandria whispered in awe.

"He was there for the crusades, you know," James informed.

"He was there for a few of the plagues as well," Peter nodded.

"He was lonely and insane when he died. That's why he made the cure, so that if anyone wanted to escape his fate they could," Alexandria went on.

"But he made it impossibly hard to get it," Peter kicked a bit of dirt around on the floor as Alexandria's fingers traced the carvings on the side of the slate.

"You have to be worthy enough to get it, once you prove your sort of appears," Alexandria trailed off.

"That anti-climatic. Shouldn't we be put through tests to prove that we deserve it?" Peter asked.

"I know it sounds that way, but it keeps the people who don't deserve it at all at bay. They'll never get a chance at obtaining it."

"How do you even know if you're worthy then?" James questioned.

"that's the part I don't know," Alexandria mused, "there was a tale i found that said that Liam appears to you and then get it."

The boys stopped talking, realizing the conversation was at a standstill as Alexandria's fingers trailed the curves of the detailing along the slab.

"Are those words?" James asked, sitting beside her on the ground.

"Just symbols, many bats and crowns and swirls."

"Do you think you're worthy enough for that cure?"

Alexandria snorted which turned to a cold laugh, "not even in my dreams...but...I just wanted to see our creator, maybe find answers...with everything that's going on, what's to say I'll ever see Fred again? And if I don't....the cure wouldn't solve my problems then."

"What answers do you need that can't be found in a book?"

"Why people get changed at different times, why vampires exist, how they came about," Alexandria looked over at Peter who was slouching against the wall.

"But most of those are in books back home," Peter countered.

Alexandria shrugged, "I know. But I thought that maybe finding his tomb would reveal more than paper could-a deeper story. Besides...isn't it amazing to be able to stand here and look upon him?" The wind howled around Alexandria as she grinned at the boys.

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