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The rest of the week they were thrown back into their hectic schedules. The difference being that they now also had to contact close friends and family, about their impending nuptials.  They discussed a pre-nup and then decided against it.  Adam made arrangements to have a marriage license ready to sign, when they had the minister marry them.  Christina gave her measurements to  Randy Fenoli, the Fashion Director for Klienfeld.  He would take care of her dress and deliver it himself.  He knew how to be discreet and Christina promised to visit him for the public wedding.  Adam had a tux from some awards show and would wear that.

Meanwhile Cee-Lo, Blake and Adam's band members, along with Michael his brother, planned a surprise bachelor party for him. They would do it at Cee-Lo's house, so that it would remain private.  Blake checked with Christina to make sure she was okay if they got Adam some strippers. She laughed and told him to make Adam blush.  She loved that they were doing that for Adam, especially on so short notice. Blake wanted her to jump out of a cake, but she declined, saying that night should be all about Adam.  But she would video record a special song for him, that they could play. That made Blake grin like a school boy.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Christina had a live interview for a morning TV show.  She'd been on so many and didn't realize which one she was doing, until they announced it to the crowd.  She was seated on a stage with the morning show hosts and they gave her a microphone.  The crowd would get up and ask questions from the stationary microphones. They asked the usual ones about her returning to The Voice and her feelings about her fellow coaches from the show.  Then there were questions about her personal life, her son and then the album she was there to promote.  Unlike Adam, when she was asked a question she didn't feel comfortable answering, Christina would just talk around the question and not really answer it.  The crowd ranged in age from teenager to adult and was scattered with males and females. She took the opportunity to mention the charities she was supporting and after one question, spoke out about bullying.  The next woman that came to the microphone shocked her.

"You worked with a bully.  Adam Levine is a liar. He claims to be against bullying, but that's what he did to you on season 2 of The Voice.  He abuses his celebrity status, like getting out of speeding tickets.  He's a womanizing slut..."

The woman went on a tirade, spewing hate and venom against Adam.  Christina had faced the same thoughts before, but not someone with so much hate.  She'd had enough.

She stood up. "Shut up and sit down you small minded, negative person.  You don't deserve to be my fan.  No one is perfect and I'm sure you're not either.  My fans believe in tolerance, forgiveness and positive reaction. Adam is a sexy, intelligent, multitalented artist.  He is funny and a great friend.  You don't know him at all, you know only what media and tabloids tell you.  If he was as hateful as you say, he wouldn't be in demand to go on shows, have millions of fans and his band wouldn't sell out arenas around the world.  Instead of hating, put that energy towards something good in the world."

The crowd stood up, cheering and clapping.  They ignored the woman and she left.  The next person to go up to the microphone and it carried throughout the rest of the interview, praised her for standing up for Adam and for speaking out against hate.  After the show was over, she even tweeted that she was sick of all the haters in the world and how they should all be lovers.  It wasn't until she got a call from Adam later that day, that she found out her rant had gone viral.

"Thanks for being my Champion," he said.

She smiled, "you always defend me.  But seriously, the hate that was pouring out of her.  You might need to get a restraining order on her."

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now