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Media was all over Christina's break up and the whole restraining order. But she could handle it. This kind of pressure she knew all too well.  At The Voice, she was kept busy. Cee Lo, Blake and Adam kept changing things with their group performance and the duet. She had a suspicion that they did that on purpose, to distract her. In the end she had lots of time practicing the duet with him and she was getting the words right.

It was almost 8pm one night that Adam was leaving The Voice set. He heard Christina's voice singing. He looked at his watch and frowned. She should be at home putting Max to bed, so why was she still there. Thinking that she didn't know what time it was, he went to tell her.

"Christina, it's quarter after eight. Shouldn't you be going home to Max?"

"Thanks Adam, but not this week," she replied. He looked confused, so she elaborated. "Jordan agreed to take Max, because of all the media and stuff that went down with Matt. I felt better knowing that Max was safe and not being harassed by the paparazzi. So no curfew for me tonight," she laughed.

Adam frowned, "so you've been staying late every night just working?"

"Well ya," she shrugged, "if I go out I get into trouble."

"Uh-un, not tonight. I'm taking you out to dinner and then you owe me a Donkey Kong match!"

"Let's get take-out instead."

"Hiding from media?"

"For now .... Did you ride or drive today?" Christina asked.

"Ride.  I have the same helmet for you."

She smiled, "it's a nice night for a ride."

They rode off and Adam took US101 North. There was little traffic, so he rode fast. They were in Beverly Hills in fifteen minutes. As they came down her street they saw all the media vans camped out, waiting for Christina.  Adam turned onto a side street and stopped.

"Do you want to just come to my house?" Adam asked.

"If you don't mind, that'd be great."

So they rode Adam's Harley to his place in Hollywood Hills. Once he parked in front of his garage she got off the bike. 

"Is Matt obeying the restraining order?" Adam asked.

"So far.  A few phone calls, but that I can handle easily." She looked around, "I love the location."

Adam smiled, unlocking the door and turning off the alarm. His golden retriever Frankie happily greeted them. 

"Oh you're beautiful," Christina gushed, crouching down to pet the dog. She received an enthusiastic facial lick. "Oh Frankie, I don't think you want to eat my make-up."

"Come on girl, dinner time," Adam said going into the kitchen. He dumped his keys on the counter and his jacket on a chair.

As he fed his dog, Christina checked out his house, "very contemporary."

Adam smiled, "wait until you see the view from the balcony," he gave her a beer and led the way.

"Wow, you're right, it's gorgeous out here. I like the outdoor fireplace, we have one too, but it's in the garden."

They sat down and enjoyed the quiet. Frankie came and begged for attention.  After a few ear scratches, she lay down by Adam's feet.

"This is so relaxing, thanks for bringing me here."

Adam nodded, lit the fire and grabbed his guitar.  He played random acoustic rifts. Then he did an Ella Fitzgerald song and Christina sung along.

"That was great," Adam took a sip of his beer.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now