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The next day, they went to The Voice studio.  So far their engagement had not yet been leaked to media.  Christina wore the ring on a long necklace under her shirt. That way Adam and her knew it was with her, but no one else did.  They shared private looks with each other and text messages. The live playoffs began with Blake's team and Adam's team members.  The show was not yet as over the top with production, as last season.  They still were showcasing the singers' stage presence and voices.  Nerves played a key role in performance.  And Cee-Lo stole the show, with his curly haired wig, that made him look like Prince.  It made all the coaches have the giggles all night long.

Adam received a text message, that made him smile so big, that his dimples came out. He immediately texted Christina. 'Max just sent me a text message asking when we were all going to break the news to Franky about me marrying you.'

Christina frowned, 'he doesn't have a cell phone.'

'He probably bugged your nanny until she sent the text for him,' Adam replied.

Christina looked across at Adam and he winked.  She responded, 'ya, I could totally see him being a pest like that.  So what did you reply?'

'I said tonight.  We'd pick him up after we were done here.'

'That may be late.  But I guess he's going to sleep on the couch with your dog anyway.'

They refocused on the playoffs as it was team Xtina and team Cee-Lo up next.  Now they understood how difficult it was to choose just one person.  Both mentors were super pleased with the performances of their team members.  The input from Adam and Blake, sometimes helped in the decision making process for Christina and Cee-Lo.  As the end of the night for the first phase of the playoffs came through, all four of them had teams they were satisfied with. The top 12 had been selected, everyone was excited.

After the studio audience left, Mark came over to his team.  "As you know we are going to have a Top 12 Party this weekend.  Are you guys ready to sing Queen's hit 'We Will Rock You'?"

Adam answered, "tomorrow we have a rehearsal with the band.  We should be ready."

Christina asked, "where is the party being held? You told us last week that there were two places you were looking at."

Mark nodded.  "It's at the House of Blues, in West Hollywood."

Cee-Lo whistled, "nice.  That venue has a good sound crew."

Blake added, "let me guess we are going to be bombarded with interviews.  A massive attendance of media, not just our teams."

"You should know the drill by now Blake!" Adam teased.

"We all have to deal with the media circus.  My guess is that Adam and Christina will be harassed more than you Blake, due to his tour and her album release.  That should take some pressure off you and Cee-Lo." Carson contributed as he joined the group.

Cee-Lo added, "just show up drunk Blake."

Mark frowned, "why do you guys encourage him?"

Christina laughed, "because it's funny."

Mark rolled his eyes and then left. They chatted a little longer, then Adam and Christina left as her car arrived. They drove to her house and picked up Max.  As Christina packed an overnight bag for her and her son, Adam chatted with Max.

"I'm impressed how long you kept the secret Max," Adam said.

Max puffed out his chest proudly, "I told you I could."

"Yes you did, you're a big little man." Adam ruffled the boy's hair.  

Christina joined them, "okay I'm all set. We ready to go?"

"Oh yes Mommy! Are we going to see Frankie now?"  Max asked referring to Adam's golden retriever.

"As I promised you, now we go to my house and you can play with Frankie." Adam said.

They got back into Christina's car and the driver pulled away.  During the ride there, Christina said, "so after we get married, you know, are we buying a new house or just moving in together?"

"Your house is currently on the market right?  My house is okay, but we should look into getting one together, don't you think?" Adam asked.

"Yes and Yes. But I maybe we should wait until my house sells and after we're done touring," Christina said.

"The next few months are going to be crazy for you.  My tour will finish and yours is just starting.  We could delay the wedding, I don't mind a long engagement.  I know your heart is mine as mine is yours.  That way we're both around for all the decisions."

"You're right Adam and thanks for being so understanding about it all," Christina said.  She played with the engagement ring, glad to be wearing it again.

Once they arrived and were inside the house, Max bolted for the back yard to play with Frankie.  The yard close to the house was lit enough for a little game of fetch.  They made up the guest room for him to sleep in.  Then boy and dog came back into the house.  Adam made sure Max brushed his teeth. He also sang Max to sleep.

Joining Christina he said, "they're both asleep."

"Thank you for doing all that. You know, we're already a family without the rings or papers."

He sat down beside her on the couch and pulled her on to his lap.  They kissed and snuggled, then eventually took it to his bedroom.  Lovemaking that night, had attention to foreplay and took longer than usual. The passion and love was much more meaningful than in the past, due to the ring that sat on Christina's finger.  It was their own way of sealing their commitment.  Both of them finally had let down their walls emotionally and promised their souls to each other.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now