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When Christina got to The Voice studio in the morning, she found Adam sleeping on the couch outside their trailers.  She felt sorry for him, knowing today would be a long day of filming the Battle Rounds.  He smelt the coffee and opened his tired eyes.

"Extra large coffee just the way you like it." Christina said kissing his cheek.

Adam sat up, taking the cup, "thanks for remembering. I had one coming off the plane, but need this one badly.  Jet lag is killing me."

She sat down beside him, "the tour looks like it's doing well, from your posts online.  Sold out crowds singing with the band, it's the best feeling in the world."

"Cloud 9 baby.  Do you know what's happening today?" Adam asked after taking a big swallow of coffee.

"The pairings we trained the last time you came into town, well it's time to start filming the battle rounds."

He looked at her, noticing she was wearing a tight mid-thigh dress.  Being tired was forgotten.  No one was around them and he moved in to give her a kiss.  "I hope you drank coffee too, or my breath is going to gross you out."

She held up her coffee cup to show him. He took it out of her hand and put it on the table.  She inched closer, putting her hand on the side of his face.  He drew her towards him and planted a long, needy kiss on her lips.  His hand snaked up her smooth leg and would have gone all the way up, if they hadn't head Blake's booming voice coming from behind them.

"I swear there is no whiskey in this coffee, my wife would kill me if I drank before noon!" Blake said.

Christina gave Adam a look that promised more later and then they sat further apart.  Blake and Cee-Lo came into view.  Christina said, "look who's back!"

Cee-Lo and Blake both greeted Adam like a long lost brother.  They clowned around and then shortly were called on to the set.  Christina walked behind them and pinched Adam's ass.  When he turned around she gave him an innocent look.  He shook his finger at her to behave, then winked cockily at her.

They took their assigned seats and waited for the first duo to take stage for the opening battle rounds. Casey Muessignmann was against Terry McDermott for Team Blake.  Terry's rocker rasp and strong smooth voice, dominate the song and he won.  Since the other coaches only have two steals each, they don't select Casey and he goes home.  Next is Team Adam with Bryan Keith vs. Collin Mcloughlin. They are signing Santeria by Sublime and are equal in style, making it a good match.  Collin is lacking some confidence, but is a powerful singer.  Bryan is laid back, but struggles a little with the melody. Adam in the end chooses Bryan, but Blake and Cee-Lo hit their buttons to steal Collin.  Since Blake is louder, he gets Collin onto his team.  Team Cee-Lo has Diego Val up against JR Aquino, but neither really do well with Jesse's Girl.  

During the performance Adam sent a text to Christina.  'You'll have no problem beating Cee-Lo if the rest of his team is like this.'

She replied, 'it's like they didn't even practice. They wasted his time and ours. My team is next.'

After Cee-Lo's team left the stage, De'Borah and Nelly's Echo were introduced by Carson.

Christina sent Adam a quick text, 'I hope De'Borah surprises me, she struggled a lot in rehearsal.'

'They're both fighters, she'll pull through, you just wait and see.' Adam replied.

Nelly's Echo starts the Police Song Message In A Bottle, really strong.  De'Borah does the background vocals until it's time for her solo.  Nelly's high pitch moments get a little pitchy.  They pair up well, but the style and soulful rendition by De'Borah just blows all the coaches away.  Christina is super proud of them both.  Adam is grooving to the song and shoots a quick glance at Christina, but she misses it, as her attention is totally on the performance. When the performance ends, both Adam and Christina stand up.  

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now