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It was the day of the Top 12 party and the teams were all excited for the media frenzy. Blake, Cee-Lo , Adam and Christina, were a little less so.  Cee-Lo was stressed out due to all the accusations from a woman he'd dated in the past.  So the coaches rallied around him and went into the venue together.  They were bombarded by flashes, as cameras went off.  Adam and Blake gave their arms to Christina, who gladly took the support down the stairs.  Blake then put his arm around Cee-Lo's shoulders. Christina kept her arm in Adam's.  This was a night about them all and she was a little annoyed that media continued to ask her to stand apart from the others. It showed on her face.

"Christina smile this way!" Some media photographer yelled.

Adam put his arm around her, giving her encouragement.  He whispered to her, "smile you're on candid camera."

That made her smile light up for real and the flash bulbs went crazy.  Calls from the crowd erupted.

"Adam and Christina look over here to the right!"

"Lean into her Adam, that's it!"

"Christina can you lift up your cap a little please!"

Cee-Lo's smile fell, so Christina posed a little with him and then with the group.  That and Blake's jokes, cheered him up.  The coaches stayed close to Cee-Lo, even when called for individual shots. They were never too far away.  Then they had to do all the interviews and comments about their teams, while the Top 12 did their photo shoot.  Then they all went into the building to get ready for the coaches to perform.  First they would do 'Crazy' from Gnarls Barkley from the first cycle of The Voice. Then 'We Will Rock You' and 'We Are The Champions' from season 2 and finally conclude with the Rolling Stones favourite 'Start Me Up' for Season 3.  After the coaches, the Top 12 artist would perform.

The coaches were pumped and came out strong for the first song.  They were given a chance to regroup and then had to go back out on stage for the next song. Cee-Lo's outfit for the second song, had Blake killing himself laughing.

Christina looked at Adam and asked, "what the hell is that thing on Cee-Lo's head?"

Adam replied, "looks like a white rug or something like that.  He comes up with the strangest things to wear.  You gotta love him for it."

Cee-Lo overheard, "showmanship boys and girls is just as important as the vocals."

"Buddy no one tops you for that," Blake said.

"I'm glad you're having fun Cee-Lo!" Christina giggle as they headed back out on stage.

They rocked their songs, feeling like a true band.  Mark was happy and even said that in another lifetime the four of them must have been in a band together.  Carson too mentioned that he was surprised that none of their overpowering personalities out shined the others.  Blake found Cee-Lo's rug wig and threw it at Carson, making them all laugh when it hit him in the face.  The rest of the night was just as fun filled, even with the craziness of the media.  By night's end, Christina's feet were a bit sore, but she wasn't the only one. The female contestants all got caught at some point rubbing their feet.

"Get use to it ladies, fashion hurts." Christina groaned.

Blake said, "just take the shoes off if they hurt. I never understood that about women."

"Do you understand anything about women?"  Cee-Lo teased.

"They're always right," Blake grinned.

Christina smiled sweetly up at Blake, "that's all you ever have to understand."

Adam laughed, "come on guys lets go to the after party, where no media are invited."

"Excellent, I'm ready for some more drinks," Blake agreed.

The coaches, Christina Milan and Carson all left together in a limo.  The jokes, teasing and laughter continued.  The Top 12 would arrive later.  Christina Aguilera leaned closer to Adam Levine and whispered into his ear, "it's so good to see Cee-Lo laughing again, you know?"

Adam nodded and replied close to her ear, "it's up to us to keep him positive. We all needed this tonight.  Not having the band around for a few days is nice too."

"We've all been busy, letting loose is rare, especially since we still have a lot of The Voice to finish."

"I'm not complaining, it gives me more time with you," Adam whispered.

"Awe Adam," Christina crooned then added, "keep that thought for later.  Since it's a late night, the nanny is staying with Max.  We could spend some alone time at your place."

"Maybe having two places isn't such a bad idea," Adam said.

Christina smirked, "our private get away? Hmm.... maybe."

They all partied into the night, eventually Christina encouraged Adam to leave the others behind. Her feet couldn't take being in heels any longer. That and she wanted Adam's full attention on her.  Both made their rounds saying goodnight to their contestants and friends.  A town car drove them to Adam's house.  He picked her up and carried her to the front door, so she could leave her shoes off. She unlocked the door and punched in his alarm security code.

"I'm carrying you over the threshold... kind of symbolic of what is to come in the future," Adam said.

"You're such a romantic," Christina laughed.

As he was known to do, Adam loved his woman and then some.  Not only did they have their own party in bed, but he had Christina's laughter filling the house.  They were a power duet.  He loved the sound of her laugh, almost as much as he loved hearing her groan his name in ecstasy.  But the best part is how vocal he could get her to be, without singing one word.  That's what made the night.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now