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It was the day after Christina, Adam and Behati had dinner.  Christina was on her way to the radio station for an interview she'd promised when at the press junket in Malibu. But her mind wasn't on the upcoming interview, it was on what Behati had said the other night.  She was willing to be seen with Adam, go on some of the tour locations with him, but after the first week of September she wanted him to dump her in public.  That way she'd get sympathy from the media, instead of having them against her. The reason she was waiting for September, was due to wanting a lucrative contract with Chanel.  If media's eyes were on her and not Anna, then she'd nail it.  Having a 'love triangle' with Christina and Adam, just added fuel to the fire. Both Adam and Christina were use to being hated by media.  Christina had to give the woman credit, she was a lot more devious than she appeared.

"Christina, we're here."  Her driver announced as he opened her door.

"Thanks, I'll call you when we're done."

She walked into the radio station and the producer of the show met her right away.  They did the usual briefing, then showed her where to sit.  A microphone was put in front of her.  

"KIIS 102.7 with Sisanie.  We have Christina Aguilera in the studio today to talk about her upcoming album and the third season of The Voice!  Good morning, how are you?"

"Good thanks, this coffee is great!"

"I don't know about you, but I can't survive mornings without coffee! So Christina when do we get a taste of your new single?"

"I will perform the song on NBC's 'The Voice' on September 17," Christina announced.

"The show's third season launches on September 10th right?"

"That's right, it's going to be the best season yet and my team will win this year."

Sisanie grinned, "is that a challenge to the other coaches on the show?"

Christina laughed, "always!"

"You've been through a lot since your last album.  Has working on the show helped refocus your passion?"

"Definitely.  It's given me more time with my son, which is important during his younger years.  Also the participants on the show inspire me every day."

"We saw that last year when you were featured on Maroon 5's smash hit 'Moves Like Jagger'.  That song was the best-selling single of 2011 worldwide, with sales of 8.5 million copies."

"It became the 12th song with the most paid downloads in history, too.  Maroon 5 are awesome and it was great working with Adam."

Sisane added, "we've been told that on your new album you feature Cee-Lo Green and you've also been working with Blake Shelton."

"Those guys all have so much energy and talent. We feed off of each other and it's great to blend styles."  Christina said before taking a sip of her coffee.

"So the new single is called 'Your Body' and was produced by Max Martin. What can we expect from this song?"

"It's in the fashion that I always like to put forth. It's very self-expressive and the whole album is heartfelt.  It's a feel-good album, with a lot of fun elements," she explained.

Sisane brought the conversation back to where she wanted.  "Adam Levine, Maroon 5 frontman and a 'Voice' coach said at a news conference that he's heard the song 'Your Body' and said he hates you because it's so good."

"He's been very supportive, just like Cee-Lo and Blake.  Adam's song 'Payphone'  is doing fantastic on the charts and the album 'Overexposed' is gaining momentum.  They've got sold out shows all over South America," Christina praised.

"In the past you and Adam had friction on the Voice.  Are we to believe that everything is fine now?"

"Like we keep telling everyone, it was our passion to win and our competitive natures that took over for a while on season two. We're great friends. I respect and admire him a lot."

"Well like a lot of people out there on the internet, I think Adam Levine is a douche bag." Sisane said.

Christina frowned, "why do you think that?"

"He just dated Behati to get back at Anna, her co-worker and friend.  Then he's cheating on her by kissing you. He's arrogant and he abuses his fame.  Like he drives his Austin Martin car without plates.  He gets pulled over by the cops and they let him go. Then he does it again.  That's a douche."

She didn't like how this interview was going, but she wouldn't let Sisane bash Adam like this either.  "Let me just remind you  that Anna isn't a victim.  She cheated on him and he was willing to work it out, but she dumped him.  Any man who loves women, would jump at the chance to date Behati, she is beautiful."

"So don't you think he's a jerk for just dating models?"

"Models understand the busy life style. They travel a lot, if not more than a band on tour.  They are use to being in the media and under constant scrutiny. Behati is down to earth and has a great personality. And let's face it, models are great arm candy.  I'd do the same thing, if they weren't so tall."  Christian laughed, trying to get a positive reaction from the interviewer. The producer of the show was nodding with her in agreement.

Still Sisane persisted, "please! He only dates skinny girls.  And what guy uses yoga to stay in shape?  He even said himself that he only does yoga to get laid.... again proving my point."

"Well let's take a step back for a minute. The whole driving without plates thing. Okay that wasn't cool, but it's a lot less of a crime then half of the people out there who drink and drive.  That goes for celebrities and for the average person.  As for the yoga, why weight train when you can get fantastic results with yoga, with less strain?  I have to have a drill sergeant train me to get in shape, otherwise I'd do yoga instead too.  People are just jealous that he has accomplished what he wants in life.  There will always be haters."

"Well I don't know if you've convinced me that Adam Levine isn't all that bad.  But I like Maroon 5 and  watching The Voice.  I can't wait to hear your new single.  Thanks for coming on the show today."

"Thanks for having me and don't forget the new season of The Voice starts Sept. 10 on NBC, Mondays and Tuesdays 8/7central. Go Team Xtina!"

"That's Christina Aguilera everyone, pop-star and coach on The Voice.  Check out our website on KIIS fm 102.7 for related contests or Facebook me with comments on today's show!"

Christina got up and headed for the door.  She didn't feel like chatting with Sisane.  The producer and DJs thanked her for coming and invited her back once her single dropped.  When she was in her car, a sigh of relief was expelled.  They hadn't attacked her about kissing Adam or getting between him and Behati.

She got a text message from Adam, 'thanks for defending me.  Am I really that much of a jerk?'

'No...well not always. ;p  She just wanted to hate on someone and chose you.' Christina texted back.

'Well thanks for mentioning the band and our album too.... ever think of having a career as a lawyer? You'd be good at it. LOL.' Adam added.

'LMAO, no prob.  Say hi to the guys in your band and enjoy RIO.' 

"I need to go pick up Max from his father's," Christina advised her driver.

The driver pulled away from the curb, to do as she asked.  She got a text from Behati, thanking her for saying that she was beautiful.  Behati sent a picture of her and Adam boarding the plane last night, to fly to Brazil.

Adam texted back, 'Busy days.  Here in Rio, but show isn't until Aug. 25 and Sao Paulo on Aug. 26.  If the fans are like they were in Lima, it's gonna be wild!'

'Wish I could be there with you, but I'm glad that you're having fun and so is Behati.'

'So do I. You're an amazing woman. XOXO!'

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now