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Christina had Adam drop her off at a cafe close to The Voice studio. From there she took a cab in. No one could know that they had been together. On set they acted no differently, or at least tried to.  Adam still antagonized her, but not more than he did Cee Lo or Blake. She tried not to engage him at all. She almost managed to ignore him. But in passing through the hallway, when he brushed up against her, they both felt the chemical reaction in their bodies. In the darkness of the backstage, Adam grabbed her and pulled her against him, kissing her neck until a soft groan escaped her lips. Then he let her go and gave her ass a little spank, before he disappeared into the shadows. He reappeared on stage right as she came from stage left. Having to hide their affection, heightened the stolen moments. He enjoyed sneaking the touches and kisses, the more chance of being caught, the more he pushed. It was a new way to throw Christina off her game, to make her unbalanced. He was much better at this game, then at dirty war.

Christina knew he was messing with her, but when he touched her neck in passing, it made her feel more alive than she had in years. His sexuality oozed out of his pores. But two could play this game easily. She'd let him have some fun first, then when he thought she was wrapped around his fingers, she'd pull the rug from under him.

Blake could feel something was up, like a storm brewing. "I don't know if I like Christina being so nice. She hasn't talked over us once so far. Is she on tranquilizers or something?"

Cee Lo laughed, "maybe she's just more relaxed now that Matt isn't living off her. Who knows. It is surprising how well her and Adam are getting a long, but I won't jinx it. Last season was just too much."

"Ya the kids are finally getting along. I was thinking I might have to hog tie them both this season." Blake grinned at his fellow judge.

"We worked on a song together. She really knows her stuff. People don't give her much credit for that. She was harsh sometimes last season, but she was right in her criticism most of the time. I just hope her delivery is a little less Simon Cowel and more Carson this season."

Blake chuckled, "where is Carson? He's supposed to be here already."

Adam heard Blake ask about their host and said, "awe muffin, missing you're new BFF already?"

Blake body checked Adam, who almost fell off stage. Christina came up and said, "Boys," in acknowledgement, "play nice."

Adam grinned, "as long as you do too honey."

She rolled her eyes. "Contrary to popular belief, I like playing with guys."

Adam wiggled his eyebrows at Blake and Cee Lo and they all laughed like dirty teenagers. Cee Lo joked and made Christina blush, "you can play with me any time, rrooowww!"

Blake added, "my wife might not like that kind of play, we have to keep things professional."

Adam looked at Cee Lo and said, "don't even go there Cee Lo."

Blake realized how that sounded, like he was into prostitutes and said, "you two need to grow up. Not everything has a double meaning!"

"Blake can I talk to you for a minute?" Christina asked.

Adam and Cee Lo giggled like school girls, Blake punched Adam in the arm and replied to Christina, "sure."

"My new album I'm working on, there's this one song that is becoming more of a country blues tune. I wanted you to take a listen and tell me what you think. I have a feeling your voice would make it sound better than mine."

Blake was shocked, "say that again? My voice would sound better...?"

She smiled, "I'm not that big of an ego, you guys over do the who diva thing."

"I must admit, you have gotten better about all that this season. Sure I'll take a listen, once we're done on set tonight alright with you?"

"Perfect, thanks Blake."

Blake nodded and they went back to the others. Adam's curiosity about their discussion, had him overly hyper. He bugged Blake until he got enough details. He was going to stick around later so that he could here this song collaboration. He didn't have too much time to think about it, because they had a meeting about the season's opening show. Christina ended up having to sit directly across from Adam. She was acutely aware of him, even if she wasn't looking at him. To everyone else, it looked like she was still mad at him. Ignoring him was how she had to play it, because she knew that her eyes would give away her true feelings. Under the table, where no eyes could see, she took off her shoe and had her foot slowly go up his leg. She looked at Adam from the corner of her eye and saw the look of surprise quickly masked. Her foot found what it had been searching for. She didn't leave her foot there long, knowing he could grab it and tickle the shit out of her.

Blake who was across from Carson and Adam, joked, "are you two going to play footsies under the table?"

Christina laughed with Cee Lo, but shot a look at Adam, who smirked. He shifted and slouched further in his chair, giving her opportunity to have her foot revisit his lap. But she disappointed him, when her foot didn't take him up on the offer.  After the meeting, when everyone was leaving the room, Adam waited until he was behind Christina, so he was the last person to leave the room. He danced his fingers on the back of her neck, knowing it would send a sexual current down her spine. Teasing each other, was much more fun and rewarding, then fighting.

Christina needed to refocus on something other than Adam. So she called her son, to see how he was. "Max honey, I miss you."

"Mommy, when can I come home?" Max whined.

"Soon baby. Daddy will bring you home next week. And we will have a little welcome home celebration. Would you like that?"

"Oh goody. Can I have a pony?"

Christina looked a her phone. Where had that come from. "Why do you want a pony dear?"

"Daddy took me to a petting zoo and I got to sit on the horsey. I liked it a lot, even though my pony kept farting."

She had a huge smile on her face and fought hard not to laugh. "We will talk about a pony when you get home, deal?"

"Ok Mommy. Bye!"

She shook her head, kids, they could blind side you with the strangest things. She looked up and her eyes met Adam's. He was watching her, she winked and then turned around to focus on what Carson was saying to Cee Lo.

Adam wanted to know who on the phone had made Christina smile so much. He hoped it was her son and not someone new in her life. He was enjoying their cat and mouse game, it made work less boring. This game they both won, no matter who was dominating.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now