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Adam left Christina's house in the am hours.  He had to go home, feed Frankie and take her out, because he had another busy day today and wasn't sure when he'd be home.  After The Voice, he had an interview at 2:30pm with Jay Leno for the Tonight Show.  It was taped in the afternoon and aired in the evening.  On his way there he heard a gossip show talking about him on the radio.

"Once America got to know Maroon 5's frontman Adam Levine, we found out he's a laid-back jokester with a competitive streak. Since then his singing career has been on fire."

Adam smiled, he liked how they had said that.  So he called the radio on his cell and was patched through instantly.  They asked him a few questions and wanted to know more about his part on American Horror Story.  

"I'm used to running my mouth and talking shit all day long," he said. But now, "I've been traumatized by Ryan Murphy, who keeps things so heavily shrouded in secrecy, that I don't even know what to say. Ever. About anything that happens on television."

They talked a while longer and then he had to hang up as he was at Jay Leno's studio.  They thanked him for calling in and gave a plug for his new album and for The Voice. He parked and went into the building.  He found Magic Johnson in the back with a basketball. So they shot hoops until Adam was called on stage. 

Jay Leno shook his hand and then asked to be told about Adam's impression of Blake. So he pretended to be his friend, using a southern country boy accent. Then he again had to explain about  the growth of facial hair, saying that it was a competition between Maroon 5 members of who could grow the ugliest facial hair.  He promised his fans that he'd shave it off after Jay's show.

"So how come Christina is so mean to you on the show?" Leno asked.

"She's not, that all a bunch of media bullshit. I love her, we're actually really close. We just had a little rough start, because we're so competitive."

They talked a little about his album, The Voice, and the acting he'd been doing for a movie and American Horror Story.  Leno next asked, "so what else scares you?"

"Flying, which is funny since we fly everywhere on tour.  But I usually self medicate," he smirked into the camera. Then added, "I'm scared of bees and sharks too."

Then as Leno introduced Magic Johnson as his second guest that night, he suggested they have a basketball competition. They discussed the LA Lakers and then took a few pictures. Then had the game, which was based on shots into the hoop completed. It was evenly matched at first and then Adam missed his shot at the end, so Magic won.  They all joked around a bit and then the final guest of the night ended the show by singing her song. 

Next he had an interview at the Dailey Beast, where again he had to tell them that Christina isn't mean to him and not trying to wreck his relationship with Behati. He explained that they are friends and they'd see how things developed over the course of the new season of The Voice.  He redirected the conversation to discussing the updates that season 3 would be going through and that it was going to be the best season ever.  He also talked about American Horror Story and his tour for Overexposed with Maroon 5.

Finally he was done for the day with interviews and guest spots.  He went home and began his juice cleanse.  He hated them, but it kept him healthy. Which was very important when touring to so many different countries and getting very little sleep.  He tweeted his feelings about the cleanse and then checked Maroon 5's online websites. Then he remembered that since September had just started, he'd have to go out somewhere with Behati and dump her as she requested. He dreaded the aftershock of that moment.  After playing with Frankie a bit, Adam decided to go for a ride on his custom Harley motorcycle.  Doing this always cleared his mind and gave him a freedom that he found no where else. When he got back, he was ready to deal with Behati.  So he called her up and made arrangements to meet at the local cafe. He rode there on his motorcycle and waited for her to arrive.

Behati came in and sat down, "hi.  Good news I got that contract I wanted. So thanks for that." She got a glass of water with a lime twist.

He nodded, then said a little sadly, "how do you want to do this?"

"Go with my lead. I'm going to slap you and storm out," she said simply. Then more loudly said, "I hate you. Dumping me with an excuse that you're too busy on tour?!  You're such a jerk Adam!" She threw her water in his face, grabbed her purse and stormed out. 

Everyone stared at him and a few who had snapped pictures, immediately began tweeting. He wiped his face with a napkin, put a few dollars down on the table and left. Before he got on his motorcycle and rode away, he texted Christina that Behati was dumped.  She told him to come by if he wanted, since it was Friday night and Max was with her ex-husband for the weekend.  He fired up the motorcycle and was glad that he couldn't hear his cell phone go off.  It was a nice afternoon to ride, not too hot, with a light breeze. So when he stopped at a light, he didn't roast in the sun.  For now he would just ride and let the world fall away behind him.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now