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The days before the show's final for season 3, seemed to melt into each other.  Christina and Adam had little time together, unless it was on the show.  For Christina there was her duties as a mother, like picking Max up from karate and shopping for christmas, her duty to her album and promoting her upcoming tour, her duty on The Voice and then came Adam.  For Adam it was promoting his band and their album, filming season 4 of The Voice and completing the current season, spending time with his family before going on tour and then Christina.  So the time they were on The Voice together, was really special.  Adam would sneak off with Christina every chance they got.  He still had his trailer, even though hers had been replaced by Shakira's trailer.  

"You know these little meetings in our trailers helped inspire me for my music video," she grinned.

He pretended to be horrified.  "What! I make you feel like trailer trash?"

She didn't catch on right away that he was teasing.  "No, I mean you make me feel sexy and powerful.  Like even though the world is against me, because of you I can take it all on and win."

He smiled at her and kissed her neck.  "You don't need me to feel like that.  It's one of the things that makes me love you so much; your vivacious independence."

They fixed their clothing and left his trailer, satisfied smiles saying it all without words.  They joined Blake on the couch, who was bragging like usual, that it is his two artists in the final.  Before he could get any more obnoxious, they were told that the audience were all seated and the show would begin.  They took their seats and enjoyed the final show for season 3.  Between the songs and set changes, everyone watch clips of the show.  When the video bite of who they would take on a dessert island came up, Christina was pleasantly surprised.  She saw Adam announcing to the world that he'd take Christina to his desert island so they could make a super baby that would sing the lights out.  For some reason, that comment was the best birthday and christmas present wrapped up into one.  She hadn't known he had said that, until that moment.  He was accepting of Max, but in the past he'd done interviews where he said he didn't want children.  So even joking about it, was a step in the right direction.  She glanced over at him and he winked.

Rihanna made a guest appearance singing her hit 'Diamonds'.  Then Terry McDermott took the stage with his picks of all stars.  Next was Nicholas David singing 'Crusin' with Smokey Robinson, which both Adam and Christina really enjoyed.  Cassadee Pope sang a solo song, only to be followed by the guys singing 'Stacy's Mom.'  It was a performance packed night.  With a video preview of Season 4 of The Voice, which had everyone laughing.  As usual they included the Voice Confessional, so the stage hands could set up for Kelly Clarkson singing with Terry and Cassadee.  No rest for the finalists, because following that Cassadee went back on stage with her all stars.  Peter Frampton and Terry blew people away with 'Baby I love Your Way'.  Of course between all the singing, there were coach segments too.  Adam was labelled as being multi talented with instruments, Cee-Lo was the weirdo, Blake the flirt and Christina the birthday girl. Her clip made everyone laugh, as she was asked what was her favourite cartoon character and she said Scooby of course and then did a perfect impression of Scooby. More guest performances occurred with Kelly Clarkson, Peter Frampton, Bruno Mars and Avril Lavigne.  The three finalists; Cassadee, Terry and Nicholas then were surprised by Cee-Lo being the Christmas Spirit, who gave them all 3 brand new cars.  Next to be under the spot light was Christina, when The Voice did a special video 'Happy Birthday' clip.  She couldn't help blushing from all the birthday comments.  She was turning 32 and there would be a party after the show was over at EL Lay.  They would all attend the party for celebrating the winner, but then everyone was invited to her birthday party also.  She knew that it would probably be just Adam and Cee-Lo that could slip away from The Voice party.

She refocused and saw the stage manager give the cue for the four of them to take the stage for their group song.  They sat down on stools and Adam began playing guitar, he looked so sexy tonight.  They sang Green Day's 'Good Riddance (time of your life)'.  It was bitter sweet, but they were still all smiles as they left the stage.  Back into their seats and then the winner was announced.  As expected by everyone, Cassadee Pope won season 3.  Adam had been rooting for Terry McDermott due to his love of rock, but the masses preferred to stick with what they knew.  The one thing that Adam did like, was that finally a girl had won on The Voice.  He just wished it had been Amanda Brown, so that his team won and not Blake's.

After the audience left, everyone went to The Voice after-party.  Adam and Christina ducked out early to go to her birthday party and Cee-Lo showed up shortly after.  Blake arrived much later, completely hammered off his ass.  His wife Miranda was out of town. Adam surprised his fiancé with a pretty cake. It had white fondant with black lace detailing and pink birthday lettering.  All her friends were there, including Christina's dancers for her performances, done recently to promote her concert.  The gay community had helped Adam with a surprise Birthday performance, which even impressed Adam's brother Michael and his boyfriend. There were streamers and balloons, that continued the colour theme of the party.  Because her birthday was so close to Christmas, it really touched Christina how much effort everyone put into the party.  She even stole Cee-Lo's santa hat.  They celebrated her with a video montage of all her accomplishments from childhood to where she was now.  The whole thing was extravagant and fabulous.  Everyone danced into the wee hours of the morning.  When she became so drunk she couldn't even control her facial features anymore, Adam had her driver help him take her back to his place.  

Back at home he took care of her first, getting her into his bed.  Then he went back downstairs to help the driver unload the mountain of presents from her friends.  He thanked the driver and then locked up.

"Wow Frankie, that was some kind of party. A lot of people love Christina, but no one more than I do," Adam said to his four legged friend.

The dog looked at him with adoration and thumped her tail expectantly.  He gave her a pat and a small treat, then headed back to his room.  The mountain of gifts could be dealt with in the morning. When he got to the room, he was surprised himself to find that Christina was still awake and waiting for him.

"I luvs you," she slurred.

He grinned, he was drunk too, but not that bad.  "And the world loves you, but not as much as I do.  Want me to show you just how much?"

She smiled, "you already have, over and over.  Anything more, is just icing on my birthday cake."

"How did you know I have icing?"  He chuckled, pulling out from behind his back a bag of cake icing in pink.

She giggled as he wrote happy birthday Christina from her chest down her tummy, then proceeded to lick each letter away.  It tickled and yet was tantalizing.  After the letters were all gone, they used up the entire bag of icing, writing secret messages on each other.  Once completely sticky, he picked her up in his arms and they went to his shower, for a little more steamy romance, before calling it a night... which was actually already the next day.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now