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All forms of media went ballistic over 'the kiss' that Christina planted on Adam's lips the other day. That's how it began, everyone knew about it within five minutes of that picture tweet. She unplugged her home phone, because it wouldn't stop ringing. Her voicemail and email were full. Her press agent was not impressed with the bomb that Christina had set off without warning. Some people sent nasty comments, saying she just wanted to ruin Adam's relationship with Behati. Others said it was about time they explored their obvious sexual chemistry. When she arrived at The Voice entrance, she made an official statement.

"Just because I kissed Adam, should not take any spot light away from our contestants on this show. They are the true stars!"

When Adam arrived he knew it was his choice to either downplay the kiss or confirm they were a couple. "The flowers were a misunderstanding," he explained. The whole crowd reacted negatively, they wanted more. He realized then, that he was going to expose the truth to the world. "But that said, Christina and I are going to see if that passion could turn into a relationship. We've become good friends over the months together on The Voice and we'll have to see if there is anything more to it than that."

"What about Behati, Adam? Have you been cheating on her?" Someone yelled from the press mob.

Security helped push them back and get Adam in the door. He hadn't heard from Behati and didn't know how that would play out at all. He was glad to be able to focus on his job at The Voice, instead of him and Christina.

"I'm kind of glad for this attention. It keeps them from finding out or caring about the police being at my house last night. Matt doesn't need media encouragement right now," Christina said to Carson. "Sorry that everyone is so focused on us and not on our teams."

"If you two love birds would keep the public affection off radar until after this season completes, that would make things easier." Carson chided.

Adam came towards them, "so you want us to hide from the press?"

Carson nodded, "essentially yes. The statements you two just gave, in the end will have viewers tuning in to see how you two interact on the show. But a little mystery will help our ratings."

Christina turned her back on Carson and rolled her eyes. Adam smirked when she said, "don't you know, both of us are spontaneous creatures... who knows what will happen."

Carson groaned and put his head in his hands. "Are you two trying to kill me with stress? Between you and Cee-Lo's critters, this show is driving me nuts."

As if on cue, Lady flew in and landed on Cee-Lo's chair. Then Cee-Lo came into view and shook Adam's hand. "My offer to use my house for your rendezvous still stands," he laughed.

"Thanks but neither of us live that far away from here," Christina said.

Blake joined them, "damn media circus out there. Some idiot just scuffed my boots."

Mary J walked up to Christina, "honey Adam is a fine man, mmmhmm." She raised her eyebrow, "I can see why you snatched him up."

Billy Joe snorted, "hell she can do way better... no offence Adam."

Adam frowned, "none taken. You're opinion means little to me."

Before a war began, Christina ended it. "Everyone thank you for your support. I know my timing wasn't the greatest, but let's focus on this show. That's what we're here for. The battle rounds are almost over. Next are the knockouts. We all have a lot of work to do."

She took Billy Joe by the arm and they went to talk to their team. The others followed their lead. When everyone was distracted, she sent Adam a text. 'Did we just open pandora's box?'

His reply was, 'maybe, but I have no regrets. Do you?'

Christina thought about it a moment before replying. 'Never any regrets with you.'

'Did you get any sleep last night? Max have nightmares?' Adam texted.

'Max wasn't the only one. I kept dreaming Matt was on top of me...'

Adam didn't like that at all. Even though she'd let him hold her afterwards, when he initially had touched Christina, she had flinched. He needed to get some alone time with her to see how badly Matt had hurt her mentally. 'I can sleep over tonight if you want.'

'It's going to be a late night for me since I'm going to the studio after the show. But I'd like that.'

The private texting ended and they turned their full attention on their teams. They were still in the battle rounds. The knockout rounds would be next and all four coaches were excited for that. Their teams would be ruthlessly cut from 10 artists to just 5. In the past there had been six contestants per judge/coach in the live performances. But this season the producers wanted the viewers to become more familiar with the singers and make more of an emotional connection. But what Christina thirsted for, was having the ability to steal a member from another coach. The game this season was definitely on, in more ways than one.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Later that night, when Christina finally got home she was too tired for company. She called Adam, "can I get a rain check? I'm just so tired from the show and studio."

He totally understood, even though he'd been looking forward to spending the night with Christina in bed. "Sure. I'm tied up for the rest of this week, but we'll figure it out. Get some sleep."

"I will and thanks. See you in the morning?"

"You know you will. Hey can you swing by that bakery you like so much and get me breakfast?" Adam asked.

"Sure and I know the perfect thing for you too. Will you pick up coffee though, the stuff at the bakery isn't the best." She smiled into the phone.

"Sure. Good night Christina."

"Good night Adam."

After she hung up, she decided to tweet a picture of herself. The caption read "peek-a-boo, just for you..xx."

When Adam saw it, he knew it was a personal message for him. The picture was mysterious and fun. Her fans would think it was for them, but her text to him shortly after, confirmed he was on her mind. He was glad that tonight, her dreams would be about him.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now