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The live rounds started today and today was the day that Adam would reveal his big secret.  Even though he had planned everything to the last detail, there was still a lot to do.  But he also had to help his team get ready to perform. So it was a very hectic day.  All morning whenever he got a chance, he was on the phone making sure that things were falling into place properly.  He knew that Christina was busy with her team and then she had to go right after The Voice to Leno for his show the next day.  The plus side to all this, was that she was too distracted by everything, to pay attention to what Adam was up to.

Adam placed a call to Christina's son, while there was a break between the live rounds.  "Remember Max, tell your mom when she gets home, that she has to wear that dress for you," Adam said over the phone.

"Don't worry Adam, I know.  Do I have to dress up too?" Max asked.

"Not unless you want to," Adam said.

"Okay.  I can't wait to see mommy's face!"

Adam smiled into the phone, "me too little buddy.  See you soon."

"Bye Adam!" Max said and hung up.

Next Adam sent a text to Cee-Lo and Blake to make sure they were still going to run interference at dinner tonight.  They confirmed that they would delay Christina, so he could get the surprise ready. He was looking at his phone, going over his checklist, when Christina walked over.

"Live rounds are always so intense, you know?" She asked.

He jumped in surprise.  "I love the live rounds, you just never know what can happen."

"Sorry didn't mean to sneak up on you," she apologized.

"It's okay, no problem.  Are you ready for the next set of singers?"

"Yes and no.  I really like Terry McDermott from Blake's team.  You've got Bryan Keith, Joselyn and Amanda.  Those girls are going to give my team a run for top spot.  Then the crowd just loves Cee-lo's Mackenzie Bourg.  I want to win this season so bad, but it's going to be tough."

"It's going to come down to stage presence and who lets nerves get the best of them," Adam said.

Before she could say another word, Carson announced they were ready to start. Christina scooted back to her red chair.  Cee-Lo put on his sun glasses so the lights of the stage wouldn't irritate his eyes. The band started playing and Christina forgot all about Adam being jumpy.  Everyone was focused on the performances. Time flew by and soon the day ended.   Christina had time to give Adam a quick kiss, but then had to leave for Leno.

As for Adam, he checked the dinner reservations and with the people who were attending, then went to run the last of his errands.  He would be cutting it close, but everything would be ready as long as everyone did their part.  When he checked with his snitch, he was told Christina was just wrapping up at Leno's so her text to him should be happening soon.

Christina sent her text to Adam that she was done and on her way home to get dressed for dinner. He replied back that he would see her there. She was in a great mood, as the promotion of her new album and the support for team Xtina on The Voice, had been overwhelming on Leno.  When she got home Max was showing her that he was getting all dressed up for dinner with Adam.  She couldn't believe how excited he was.  Max was everywhere all at once, making her dizzy with his energy.  She just finished doing her hair, when he came in demanding she wear a dress that he would pick.  So she went along with it and was impressed with what he pulled out of her closet.  Christina couldn't remember when she had bought the dress, but it did make her look fabulous.  It enhanced every asset and gave her a slimmer silhouette.  Who knew her son had such good taste and at such a young age. After she chose a pair of heels and a matching purse, Christina waited for Max's approval.

"Mommy you are so beautiful!"

"Awe thank you Max.  You look very handsome in your suit.  Ready to go, the driver is waiting?"

Max nodded and grabbed his mother's hand and they went out to the car.  He was doing very well not letting his mother know his big secret.  He couldn't wait for her to find out, so he could finally tell her he knew about it all along.

When they arrived at the restaurant, she bumped into Blake and Miranda, who were with Cee-Lo and Carson.  She thought nothing of it, just enjoyed chatting with them, while waiting for Adam.  They all went into the restaurant together and that's when Christina began recognizing people she knew.  She looked at Adam, as she knew some of the people were his friends too.  

"Adam why is everyone we know here tonight?"

"They are here to celebrate of course," he said with a smile.

"What are they celebrating?" Christina asked, still not catching on.

Adam went down on one knee, Christina's eyes got huge. She watched as Adam opened the little box on his palm. She barely heard her son, who was jumping up and down.

Max said, "I knew all along Mommy! I kept it a secret! I knew, I knew!"

She stopped breathing and looked into Adam's eyes, still not truly believing what was happening.  A strange shiver ran from her toes to her head, goosebumps came on to her arms.  Was she dreaming?  It was like tunnel vision, all she heard, all she saw, was Adam in front of her.

"Christina will you marry me?"

She stood there in shock.  No words coming from her open mouth. Everyone was staring at her, waiting for her to answer.  And finally she did.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now