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Christina started out the day before the Battle Rounds with another interview. By the end of it, she was doubting herself for not coming back to The Voice for season four.  The interviewer had claimed she was being selfish and not considering the fans.  By the time Adam called her, she was pretty upset.  She told him what had been said and how she had tried to explain her absence.

"I told the interviewer that it's been a joy to be part of other people's journey, to be able to inspire and be a part of new singers coming up in this business.  Then when I said that I was starting to get really worried and concerned that I wouldn't have the time to go and be an artist again, he said I was being selfish."

Adam calmed her down.  "Everyone on the show knows that we have to stay relevant in the industry too."

"The interviewer said they wouldn't want me back on the show," Christina said sadly.

"He was just trying to get a rise out of you.  Mark made it very clear that these chairs are always our chairs. He knows that the only reason the show's going to work is if it doesn't get stale.  Go do what makes you the best, just like I'm doing with the guys right now."

"Thanks, I needed to re-confirm I am doing the right thing," Christina sighed.

He wished he could be there to comfort her, but that was not an option until tomorrow.  "I'm back in town for the Battle Rounds tomorrow, we can talk to Mark after filming if you are still  doubtful."

"No that's oaky. I should be use to this by now.  Thanks."

He could hear the smile in her voice and knew their little talk had set her straight.  They talked about his recent shows and the crowds.  He told her about a prank that his band mates played on him.

"You wonder why I always play pranks on Carson and Blake, well blame it on the guys. They do it to me and inspire my pranking mind."

"Why what did they do to you this time?" Christina snickered in anticipation.

"Oh I have never done anything as bad as what they did.  They put this really stinky cheese in my socks and then put it in with my clothing bag.  The smell..."  Adam gagged just remembering it.

"So all your clothes stunk? Worse than skunk?" Christina asked horrified.

"Well maybe not that bad, but pretty close.  The hotel did laundry and some of my stuff came out okay.  I'm just glad I met with Bench so I could replace some of the stuff," Adam admitted.

She had to ask, even though she had a good idea what the answer would be, "did you get the guys  back?"

"Sure did.  This prank I even want to pull on Blake.  I'd been planning to do it for a while, but was waiting for the right time.  You know that stuff you put on your sore tooth to make it feel no pain?" Adam asked.

"Anbesol?" Christina guessed.

"Ya that's the stuff.  So I put it on their water bottles and they couldn't figure out why their tongues and lips were numb.  It was so funny! You should've heard them trying to talk."

Christina giggled, "I can just see Blake now! Did they sound like they had frozen mouths, like when you go to the dentist?"

"Exactly!  It doesn't last long, but the prank was priceless," Adam chuckled.

"Aren't you worried about the retaliation?  That's five guys who are plotting against you," Christina pointed out.

"What you think they are going to 'punk' me?"  Adam asked.

"Maybe not to the extent of getting you on that show, but I'd be sleeping with one eye open when alone with them," she cautioned.

"Hmm, you have a point there. But do you want to get Blake?  Put it on a bottle of his favourite beer.  If we get him before the show, then he'll have to stay quiet."

Christina smiled, "you are so devious! I love it.  I am totally game.  Blake is so going to freak out."

"It'll all be on me, I can take the heat from him." Adam reassured her.

"Now I really can't wait until you get back.  You're jet lag is going to be really bad though."

"I haven't even thought about that yet.  Bring me a extra large coffee when you come in, please." 

She knew he tacked on the 'please' at the end, but he didn't need to. She had pity on him for his brutal schedule. "Sure no problem.  I better let you go or I'll be dead on my feet too."

"Right I forgot it's like 2 am there.  Ugh, I better take a sleeping pill on the plane ride back, or I'm going to be a zombie tomorrow," Adam sighed.

"Just one question before you go. Should I bring the Anbesol tomorrow or will we do it the following day?" Christina grinned.

Adam thought about it for a few moments.  "Let's leave it until the second day of the Battle Rounds. That will catch him completely off guard.  I'll be too tired to do anything to him tomorrow."

"Max and I will pick up Franky from your friend's place, then you can come for dinner here.  He'll love seeing you and playing with her.  And I will really like having you to myself, even if it's just for dinner."  He sighed and she heard it. "Or we can do it another time, I'm flexible."  She didn't want to be a burden, not to Adam.

"I want to spend time with you both too, but I'm doing to be dead tomorrow.  So can I take a rain check?  My friend has a key to my house and will just drop off Franky while I'm at The Voice."

Christina was disappointed and tried to end the conversation quickly. "Oh okay. No problem. Good night... er.. afternoon or whatever.  See you tomorrow."  

Adam frowned, Christina had just hung up on him.  Then he realized that she probably thought that he didn't want her around.  He called her back right away, it rang three times before she answered. "Don't think that I am ditching you and Max.  But when I spend time with you two, I want to have some energy.  I want to give you both my full attention.  Okay?"

She nodded and then said, "Okay... Adam I... well have a safe flight back." She stopped herself from getting too emotional.

"I'll see you soon, good night Christina."  He said and waited until she hung up again.  He had a feeling that she still wasn't okay at all, but he had no time to dwell on it.  He'd make it up to her some way.  Max would be easy to please, but he knew it was harder for her to get close to someone, especially him.  She was a woman who didn't just pick anyone, as he had witnessed that repeatedly with the show's contestants.  It could be she was tired and hence more sensitive, but staying overnight with her would have to happen soon.  That's when he would show her how much he cared about what she wanted and that she was on his mind too.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now