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It was Adam who was late to The Voice. But they were just working with their new teams, deciding who would go first for the battle rounds. When he arrived, he saw Christina talking to her team. He tried to make eye contact, but even though she was looking his way, their eyes didn't meet. When he turned his head to see where she was looking, he saw Billy Joe Armstrong. The Green Day singer was talking to Cee-Lo about how he'd like to get his hands on Christina's ass.

"Her ass is just begging to be spanked, don't you think?"

Cee-Lo chuckled, "she'd probably put her stiletto heal through your heart."

Billy laughed, "I can charm the pants off anyone."

Adam's blood boiled. He wanted to walk over and punch the new mentor. His jaw twitched and his hands clenched, but he walked away. If he told Christina what Billy had said, she probably wouldn't believe him anyway. One of the stage hands began to approach Adam about his tardiness, but when he saw the face of the Maroon 5 front man, he turned around. Was it jealousy or protectiveness that made Adam so angry? He didn't know, but had a feeling he wasn't going to get along with Billy this season at all. Eventually working with his team, got his emotions under control again. So by the time he ran into Christina that afternoon, he was his cool self again.

Christina saw Adam and said, " congrats on the MTV nomination for best video for Payphone!"


"How goes the shoot for American Horror Story?" She asked with genuine interest.

"Pretty good, but it's creepy as F...," was as far as he got, before Billy interrupted them.

"Christina we need you back over here," Billy stated, completely ignoring Adam.

"Okay, I'll be there in a second," she replied as she divided her attention between Adam and him.

"How did Max like the pictures of Franky?" Adam asked.

"He loved them, as you knew he would. He wants to come over again soon, but who knows when you or I will have our schedules sync."

"True, probably not until we start filming the battle rounds," Adam said.

"Well let me know when Max and Franky can have a play date," Christina grinned, then went to follow Billy.

The rest of the day they were all busy with their teams and didn't have a chance to talk. Which ended up being the pattern for the next week or so. Christina did keep in contact with Adam via text and twitter.

'Filming a spot for Hunger Relief PSA, teamed up with Yum! Brands. It's for the United Nations world food program,' Christina Tweeted on August 1st.

Adam sent a text to her saying that he liked the cause she was dedicating her time to. Then he mentioned Maroon 5 and himself were having an auction to raise funds for Zoe Feldman and her fight against cancer.

'See I always knew you had a good heart,' she teased as she texted him back.

Then on August 2nd, Adam tweeted from American Horror Story's set, that the fake blood tasted like artificially sweetened vomit. Christina sent a text that she felt sorry for him and that she couldn't wait to see his episode.

On the same day she tweeted that she had just finished a great studio session and that she was excited for her fans to hear what she'd been working on. It was Adam who texted her to say he was proud of her and hoped she'd let him listen to the demo the next time they were together. What he didn't like was that she said that Billy Joe Armstrong had also given her some suggestions on her material. Again the jealousy rose up in him, but Christina remained unaware of this.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now