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Christina had a killer hangover in the morning, but nothing was scheduled for her to do. So she and Adam enjoyed a lazy morning.  Even though her birthday was over, he treated her to breakfast in bed. She had more christmas shopping to do and in the afternoon he had to continue filming for The Voice season 4.

"You have a huge pile of presents you need to go through.  Oh and you should check your phone.  Michael sent you a few pictures from your birthday party last night.  He said you look fabulous in the pink streamers."

She laughed.  "Oh god I can just imagine the pictures of me in the tabloids. I was wasted last night."  She sat up and cupped his face for a long kiss.  "Thank you for taking care of me.  Not to mention that excellent performance you and my friends did for me."

"Anything and everything was to keep that smile and laughter going all night.  I'm going to miss you on The Voice, that laugh..." Adam teased.

"Blake says it's a cackle.  You know, he's going to be insufferable.  You can't let him win season four, no matter what.  Spike his coffee or whatever you have to do."

Adam laughed, "don't you worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve, if my wonderful charm doesn't win over the best people."

After she showered, she wished him a good day before he left.  Then she set about tackling all the presents.  Christina felt like a spoiled child as she went through the pile, but she still had fun removing the wrapping paper and bows.  Frankie thought it was all a game and kept taking off with the presents, so Christina had to give chase.  After five minutes of that circus, she decided to bring Max over to help her with unwrapping.  She called her driver to have him dropped off.  At first Max had fun unwrapping the presents, but eventually he just kept Frankie busy and left his mom alone.

It was late afternoon when she was done and had cleaned up the mess.  "Max are you hungry?"

"Am I ever mommy," he replied from somewhere in the house.

"Well go wash your hands and we'll go out for a late lunch.  Maybe do some christmas shopping," Christina said.

"Yippy!"  He shouted and dashed off with Frankie barking at his heals.

She got his jacket and shoes ready, then helped him into them.  She was just putting on her jacket when the buzzer sounded for Adam's gated driveway.  She buzzed in her driver, turned on Adam's house alarm and locked up on the way out.  They first went to lunch and then to the stores.  Max wanted to get something for Adam, that he would pick out all by himself.  Christina was very amused by one of the items.  The other present was a baseball cap from his favourite team, the Lakers.  Max was a very smart little boy.

Christina let Max in on her surprise for him, since he was such a good boy in the stores.  "We're going to spend Christmas in Aspen Colorado.  That way you can play in the snow and go on a real slay ride."

"Is Adam coming too?" Max asked happily.

"I hope he can get away, it wouldn't be the same without him.  You can ask him to come tonight at dinner."

"Okay Mommy.  I bet Frankie would love the snow too!" Max declared.

She smiled down at her son and wondered if the boy loved Adam as much as he loved Adam's dog.   One of her gifts to Adam was a pair of tickets to the Nuggets vs Lakers game on Dec. 26.  She arranged it with Adam's dad, so the two of them could go together.  His dad said he looked forward to being part of gift.  By the time they were done shopping, both Christina and Max were tired. So when they got back to her house, both of them lay down for a nap.  Then it wasn't long before she had to get up and get dinner ready.  Adam sent a text, that due to some technical issues, the Voice wouldn't be finished until much later.  He called later on his break, so that they had some time to chat.

"I'm taking Max to Colorado to ski and to go on a slay ride.  We both hope you will join us.  He of course just wants Frankie to come along too."

Adam considered the invitation.  "Sure why not.  Are you booking a private chalet for us all, including Frankie?"

"If that's what you prefer then yes," Christina said.

"Definitely.  But I have to come back on Dec. 26 to visit my parents."

"Of course, that works out just perfect.... Sounds like you need to go back to the set." Christina observed.

"Yup that's Carson."

"Love you and go kick Blake's ass," Christina laughed.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

The next few days were hectic, until they left for Colorado.  Christmas day left Adam feeling like a kid again, especially when Max allowed him to help unwrap his presents.  It was a bit chaotic, with Frankie getting into all the discarded wrapping paper again.  Adam called his dad and mom on christmas day to wish them a merry one.  His dad told him about going to the Lakers game while on speaker phone, so that Christina could give him the tickets, while Max gave him the baseball cap. Max also gave him the craziest christmas sweater ever and a matching one for Christina.  They both loved it and wore those sweaters the whole time in Aspen.  It was one of the best few days of the year for Adam.  Christina said she would stay in Colorado until Dec. 29, when she would return with Max, who would stay from then until to Jan. 4th at Jordan's house. This allowed Christina and Adam to party hard on New Years eve and relax the next day. They knew that the new year would go out with a bang and then start up again, even busier than before.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

New Years eve Christina and Adam started out with just being lazy and hanging out at her house and then at his.  But they did fly to New York in time to attend the Jay-Z and Coldplay New Year's Eve 2013 concert at Barclays Center.  They were bundled up against the cold, but it was a fantastic night.  The energy of the crowd was crazy.  

Adam shouted out, just before the count down began, "the end of the world can kiss my ass!"

Christina laughingly asked, "what about my ass?"  Then she mooned him, right in front of everyone.  She was rewarded by a red hand print on that white moon.

Then they counted out the year and finally shouted, "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Adam and Christina sealed the future with a long, loving, passionate kiss.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now