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Christina was with her editing crew, tweaking the music video they had shot on August 20th.  Everything was falling into place. She was really happy with how good the video turned out.  Sometimes she found it amazing that they could combine on location footage, with the green screen.  The digital production and the computer technology used, made it come together into exactly what she wanted. When they showed her the final cut, she gave them her approval.

Between promotions for season three of The Voice and releasing her singles for the new album, Christina was a very busy woman.  Then being a mother thrown into it all too, gave her little time to dwell on the fact that Behati was travelling with Adam Levine and not her.  She missed him; his sarcasm, jokes, touches and kisses.  He texted her when he found time and she found herself waiting for them when she was in bed alone at night.  A part of her wondered if Behati was sharing his bed too.  There was nothing she could do about it if she was, but at least the model would prevent Adam from having fans in his bed.  

When she found out that she'd be honoured for her charity work at the star-studded American Latino Media Arts (ALMA) Awards next month, she sent him a text about it. Adam replied right away congratulating her and saying that she was the hottest latina in the world. She replied back that even though her father was Spanish, he was born in Ecuador.  

'Maybe I'll learn some Spanish while your away. Then whisper it in your ear, while you make love with me.' Christina teased.

'I forgot you don't speak Spanish.  It must be hard to sing it for your albums.'

'That's not as hard as going to the award shows and then having to wait for the English translation.'

'Hey you're American first and foremost. I don't speak much Jewish. Don't worry about it,' he encouraged.

'Thanks I needed that.  How was RIO?'

'Brazil is awesome! The energy of the fans was amazing. They sang every song with us and knew all the words in both Rio and Sao Paulo.' Adam reported happily.

'That's so rewarding and just totally validates being on tour. I love that too.'

'Exactly. You'll be happy to know I spotted one of our fan's in the crowd with a Team Xtina sign.  I tweeted it too.'

'Awe! Thanks for letting me know.  I'm sure I'll get fans at my shows wearing Maroon 5 & Team Adam t-shirts.  I wish I could be there with you.'

'Me too.  I'll be back soon. XOXOXX!' Adam texted.

'Back at you, with an extra couple of XXX!'

He was right, tomorrow he'd be back in town.  They had some promoting to do for the launch of the new season of their show.  And Adam had to finish filming his team's performances.  Just like any other fan, she went on her lap top to look at the Facebook pictures of his shows.  Satisfied, she finally went to sleep.

The flight back to Los Angeles from Sao Paulo was over fourteen hours long.  After the show, Adam was way too pumped to even think about sleep.  He and his band mates chatted at the back of the plane, while Behati slept up front.  Their next show was on September 1st, then he was back again for a few days.  Then September and October were packed with tour dates.  He was looking forward to September 22 in Singapore for their show at the Formula 1 Grand Prix.  They'd be headlining on Saturday around 11pm, after Katy Perry. 

"I hear the after parties at the F1 races are amazing," James Valentine said.

"It's going to be a crazy crowd for sure." Adam added, "thankfully the flight from Malaysia to Singapore is just an hour, so no jet lag."

Jesse sighed, "it'll be good to be back home for a few days. We get to relax a little, while you go to work on your show."

James snorted, "you call that work? Man he's got it easy."

They teased Adam for a bit and then went back to discussing their tour locations and dates.  One thing that Adam wasn't going to have an easy time of, was dumping Behati before their Korean shows.  Media would be all over him for it, but he knew he'd get great fan support.  Adam looked over at the sleeping model, wishing he could sleep on the fly like she could.  Being with her was great, but he wasn't in love with her.  So letting her go, was the right thing to do.

Eventually all the members of Maroon 5 tried to get some sleep. But it seemed like Adam had just closed his eyes, when the pilot came on the intercom.  He told them to buckle up as they were about to being their descent to LAX. It was a smooth landing and then as they taxied to the terminal, everyone turned airplane mode off on their cell phones.  Their crew would handle removal of their gear, so the band could get home.  

It was too late for Adam to contact Christina or even visit her. So after he said good-bye to Behati, he picked up Frankie and they went home.  It was good to sleep in his own bed again.  He had a yoga session and then he had to be at The Voice studio.  Frankie jumped up on the bed and flopped down beside him, resting her head on his thigh.  He stroked her head and then fell asleep.

THE VOICE- Christina Aguilera and Adam LevineWhere stories live. Discover now