a/n: extremely important- [11/24/15]

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Hey guys.

It's currently 1:41 a.m. as i write this and it's a long overdue explanation as to why ive been gone for a while.

A lot has happened since I last updated and by now most of you have probably removed this from your library or even forgot about it.

I completely understand.

Since the school year started, I wasn't prepared for how much work it would be.

My classes start at 7:20 a.m. and i get out around 2:20 p.m. I go home and work on homework for several hours. Then i have little time to work out, be social, clean, and have me time. By the time I crawl into bed, im exhausted. I usually go to bed between 10:30-11 and I have been up for over 16 hours. The last thing on my mind is updating.

Also not including papers and projects.

I'm going on hiatus and I dont know when im going to come back.

I'm sorry.

I've neglected this book. I've neglected you guys.

Here's an update on myself (if you even care you can scroll past if you want to lmao):

•My grandfather passed away in August, causing me to miss 5 days of school and fail my classes.

•Don't worry Im passing them now.

•I came out to my theatre class the second day of school lmao

•my best friend is experimenting.

•My two friends have been dating for over a month. (They had their first kiss at homecoming last month.)

•im in a relationship with a boy who is too nice and too cute for my wellbeing.

•and ive dyed my hair several times.

QotA/N: What's been going on with you guys?

SotA/N: See You Again- Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

Peace out my Fangirlies :) ✌(for now)

- Tasha

P.S. I wish Wattpad had a queue set up like tumblr, so I could write things for you guys and not worry about publishing them.

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