Chapter 7

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I woke up cuddling the extra pillow on my bed, as if it was a person that I was spooning. Clearly I hadn't moved much, by the condition that my blankets were in. Surprise - surprise.

Sliding out of my bed, I decided to do some exercise today. I went over to my cupboard and pulled out some black tights and a sports bra. That's all I really wore when I went for jogs, but I also wore my runners as well. I mean, I couldn't jog barefoot on the concrete or the bitumen road.

But before I was going to go for my jog, I wanted have some breakfast. Something I used to always have back home in Australia. Vegemite on toast.

I know, it's pretty much an Australian trademark. But now that the American's owned the Vegemite company, allowing it to be sold all around the world, although mostly Australia. It didn't really make sense as to why the American's owned the company. The majority of America didn't even like the spread. They took one look at it or one whiff of it's scent and nope, they already disliked it.

Honestly how much fussier can someone get. It's like looking at a pizza and because it looks ugly, you don't eat it. Fussy is all I can say. Oh well, more for Australia!

Walking into the kitchen with my tights and sports bra on. I grabbed the loaf of bread and the toaster from the cupboard. Plugging the toaster into the electricity output, I put in the bread and pressed down the lever for it to start cooking.

I grabbed the butter from the fridge and a knife from the drawer. I then quickly grabbed the Vegemite jar from the cupboard and placed it down onto the bench. I remembered from being a young child, I used to sneak into the kitchen while everyone was outside and grab a teaspoon of vegemite. I would than sneak away with the vegemite covered teaspoon, in my mouth.

I even did that as a teenager, the very same thing. I think I would still do it at the age I am now. If I was going to be completely honest. But one thing I always knew never to do, never double dip. Once the teaspoon had been in your mouth, never place it back in the jar again. That's just filthy.

The toast popped up just the way I liked it. Specs of golden on the toast, I know it's hardly cooked, but it's crunchy and good enough for me. Quickly spreading the butter on first, I waited for it to melt than I would spread on the Vegemite.

Leaning against the bench, I happily ate heaven's breakfast, Vegemite on toast! But I'm probably being melodramatic right now. But hey, I was allowed to be.

With every bite, the Vegemite tasted so much better. It maybe bitter and slightly salty, but it would beat just butter and toast anytime.

When I was finished, I poured myself a glass of Orange juice. Sipping my orange juice, I walked into the lounge room and turned on the TV. Nothing was on except for boring news, not even cartoons!

Getting bored with the TV, I turned it off and walked over to the box nearby.

I dug around for my book I was currently slowly reading.

Finally finding it, I jumped back onto the lounge resting my feet on the lounge with me. I still needed to put on my runners but I was going to do some reading first. The book was from the Sookie Stackhouse series written by Charlaine Harris. This book was the fourth book and it was called Dead To The World.

I loved this author and the series of books so far. The series was about vampires, werewolves and plenty of other mythical creatures. My favourite character was Eric Northman, who was a damn sexy, viking aged vampire. He was pretty much the bad boy but in this book, you see a whole new side to him. Sweet, gentle, charming and simply irrestitable! My other favourite character was Alcide Herveaux, he was a werewolf and a damn sexy one too! He's the kind of person who will do anything for you and is in love with you secretly. He can be kind of a bad boy, but he's mostly protective, sweet and charming.

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