Chapter 33

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"Uh uh nope I'm not taking that bad ass Lil girl with me" I said to my ma shaking my head.

I had moves to make and she trynna make me watch my Lil sister. I love my sister and everything but this Lil girl bad as shit.

"Boy she is 12 years old you acting like you gotta watch her every move , your grandma can't watch her and I need to go to work"

"Oh my god man" I said rubbing my hands over my face. "Let's go!" I yelled to my Lil sis Tia.


"Get out the fucking car damn" I yelled to Tia.

She rolled her eyes and sat back crossing her arms. I looked out my window and seen Zariah and Karina sitting on her porch.

I got out the car and walked over to the passenger side. "Tia stop playing" I said through gritted teeth.

She still sat there with her arms crossed. I opened the door and pulled her out by her arm.

"This don't look like dairy Queen to me"

"Tia shut up."

She rolled her eyes and started following me over to Zariah.


"There go your baby" Karina sang as Isaiah walked up.

I laughed and covered my face as I felt myself blushing. We been together for about three months now , but I feel like he doesn't have time for me. Every time I want to do something he's either with his boys or in the streets.

"Wassup bae" Isaiah said giving me a kiss.

"Hey" I replied simply trying to avoid eye contact.

"Can you watch Tia again just for 20 minutes and I promise I'll be right back and we can do something together"

Before I could reply he was already half way to his car. This the type of shit I be talking about.
"Heey Fave" Tia said sitting in between me and Karina.

"Hey Lil girl" I said playfully pushing her.


Isaiah picked Tia up about a hour ago and he didn't even stay or get out the car. When he got here he texted me and said 'Send Tia out and tell her to hurry up I got places to be'.

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I re read the letter I wrote. I would be to hurt if I broke up with him face to face , and I damn sure wasn't about to do it over a text , so I wrote a letter.

I grabbed my sweater since it was dark out and kind of cold , and walked downstairs.

"Um I'll be right back I just need some fresh air" I said to my mom who was sitting on the couch.

"Alright , you okay baby girl" she asked me with concern.

I nodded my head "yeah I'm fine"
I walked out the door and started walking towards Isaiah's house that's only like two blocks away.

Once I got to to the corner of his block I stopped questioning myself if I really wanted to do this. I sighed and continued walking towards his house. As I got in front I seen Cam and the rest of his crew cars parked in front.

I opened the door about to knock but decided against it. I closed the door and placed the letter in the security bars on the door. I closed my eyes trying to fight back the tears but that didn't stop them from rolling down my face.

I rang the doorbell and started walking in the direction of my house. I put my hands in my sweater pocket and let the tears fall.


"She always bitching about some" Cam said to everybody.

"You not doing some right" Jae said then stood up and acted like he was fucking.

We all shook her heads and laughed. Then I heard the doorbell.

"You expecting somebody" Cam asked.

"Nah" I said getting up from the couch. I opened the door but nobody was there. I looked around and still seen nobody. I was about to close the door then I seen a letter on the security bars.

I unlocked that door and grabbed the letter. I sat back down on the couch opening the letter.

"Who was that bro"

"Nobody was out there" I said unfolding the letter as other pieces of paper feel out. I picked those papers up and seen that it was pictures of me and Zariah.

What the fuck is going on right now. I picked up the letter and began reading it.

Dear Isaiah,

I can't believe I'm really doing this right now but I feel like you need your space. I went back and forth in my mind about it but we can't go on like this, and I'm not going to ask you to pick me over your friends or the streets. I just feel that you never have time for me anymore. But between the streets and your bro's I really can't compete. I fell in love with you Isaiah *her tear drop on paper* I really don't wanna do this but we can no longer be together. I wish I could do this thing called life with you here with me.

"Fuck man" I yelled rubbing my hands over my face.

I ain't never felt this way over a female real shit but Zariah different. I think I fell in love with her to. I'm always fucking something good up.

"Give me my shit" I said snatching my phone from Tia.

"Oh yeah Riah called you like 5 times but that was early" Tia said shrugging her shoulders.

"Why the fuck you ain't tell me" I yelled.

"Bro calm down what the fuck wrong with you" Rico asked me.

I rubbed my hand over my curls waiting for Zariah to answer but got sent straight to voicemail.


"She's not here" Her ma said answering the door.

"Alright" I said then walked back to my car.

I really fucked up.

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