Chapter 28

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This weekend I'm flying to Compton to see my brother. I haven't talked to him for years.

His name is Rashad he's 22 years old. I talked to him a couple times when I was in jail but he just stopped replying to my calls and letters.

He lives in Compton with his mom because that's where she lives. Rashads mom and my mom don't like each other at all. My dad used to lie to my mom and say he was going to Compton for business, but he was really down there to see Rashads mom.

"Okay I'll be back in 2 days. You know the rules. If you need anything or if something happens call me I'll be on the first flight back. But if it's a big emergency to where it needs to be handled asap call your daddy."

"Mom I know." Zariah laughed. I hated leaving her and this is my first time letting her stay at my house and not her dad's while I was gone.

"Alright I love you" I said giving her a hug and peck on the cheek.

"Love you to madre"

I made sure she had everything she needed and headed to the airport.


My mom left about 2 hours ago and I'm so bored! The only person I really fuck with is Karina but she's with her boyfriend Cam. And I haven't talked to Isaiah ever since that day at the park.

I looked at my phone and seen Karina was trying to face time me.

I answered it and got up to walk to the kitchen a bitch was starving.

Me: What you want lil girl.

Karina: Damn I can't call my bestfriend.

Me: Thought you was with your big headed ass boyfriend

"I heard that" Cam said as Karina turned the camera towards him.

Me: Good somebody needed to let you know.

Karina: Any way what you doing?

Me: Nothing I'm bored as fuck.

Karina: Yeah I can tell .

Me: Whats that supposed to mean.

Karina: Because when your bored you always sit on the counter in the kitchen and stuff your face.

I laughed because that was so true.

Karina: but I'll call you later love ya boo.

Me: love you to.

I disconnected the call and jumped off the counter when I heard somebody at the door.

"Who is it" I asked still walking towards the door.

"Karina hoe answer the door"

I laughed and swung the door open. She started to walk in but I stopped her.

"Just cause I opened the door don't mean y'all can come in" I smirked.

She looked at me and then we both burst out laughing. "Good one Riah good one" she said giving me a hug.

I let her and Cam in the house. Once I was about to close the door a foot stopped it.

"What th...." I started but looked up to see Isaiah smiling down at me.

I couldn't help but smile back. "What you doing here" I asked.

He smacked his lips. "To see you duh"

We walked into the living room and seen Cam and Karina on my couch making out.

I cleared my throat and they both snapped they heads my way. "Yall not about to be making babies on my couch"

Karina laughed and threw a pillow at me. Then gave me a big smile and pleading eyes.

I rolled my eyes already knowing what she was gone ask. She does this every time.

"Wash the sheets right after Karina I'm not playing"

"Of course" she said pulling Cam to the guest room.

I shook my head and sat on the couch. Isaiah sat down beside me and wrapped his arm around my neck.

"I missed you" he said turning his head towards me.

"Mhm" I said looking at the T.v. If he missed me he would of said something in school to me or texted me or something.

"I'm serious Riah" he said with a straight face.

"I missed you to" I mumbled.

He smiled "What was that I couldn't hear you"

"Nothing." I laughed picking up my phone.

He snatched it from my hands and stood up. "Isaiah stop playing"

"Not till you tell me what you said"

I didn't say anything I just sat back and crossed my arms. He looked me up and down then licked his lips. "Your beautiful as fuck ma"

I blushed and turned my head so he wouldn't see. But he still had my phone. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Thanks" I whispered in his ear then bit it softly. "Can I have my phone now" I asked.

He shook his head. "Nope". I poked my lip out , then I realized he's not about to fall for that.

" please" I whispered in his ear. He simply shook his head no. I pushed him on the couch and climbed on top of him. "Can I have it now" I pleaded.

He laughed and shook his head no again. I leaned in and started kissing his neck. He cocked his head back and bit his lip.

"How.. Bout... Now" I said in between kisses. He laughed and handed me my phone. I felt his little friend poking me and my eyes got big.

"Your fault" he said smirking at me. He pulled my face to his and kissed me. Our tongue's started wrestling , he flipped me off of him onto the couch and held my hands over my head as he kissed my neck.

I moved my head to the side biting my lip so he had better access to my neck. His hand started traveling up my shirt.

"Ehh y'all nasty" Cam and Karina said at the same time.

I forgot they where here. I laughed and pushed Isaiah off of me. I fixed my shirt and looked at Karina.

"I hope you washing them sheets right now"

"There already in the washer" she laughed sitting on the couch.

I stood up and looked at Isaiah he looked pissed as fuck. "What's wrong with you" Cam asked Isaiah laughing .

"Nothing" he lied when we clearly all new what was wrong.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear "We gone finish this later" I whispered kissing his jaw.

He smiled and pulled my ear to his mouth. "I love it when you do that shit" he whispered. He started slipping his hand in my pants but I pushed it away.

"Let me see something" he laughed laying me across his lap.
"Stop there's other people in the room"

"So" he shrugged and started tickling me. "Stop" I laughed trying to pry his hands off me.

"I just wanna see something real quick" he said tickling me with one hand.

"Isaiah stop" I said still laughing and kicking.

He slipped his hand in my pants and slid two fingers in me. I gasped and he pulled his hand back out my pants.

"Damn Zariah you fucking flooding" he smirked looking at his fingers then at me.

"Dammnn" Cam shouted out. Then Karina hit the back of his head.

I got off Isaiah and punched him in his arm. "What was that for" he asked rubbing where I hit him.

"Go wash your hands" I laughed shaking my head at his facial expression.

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