Chapter 12

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I walked into the restaurant and seen Diamond sitting at a booth by the window.

"Hey" I said giving her a hug then sitting down. "Hey boo" she said

After we talked for a while and finished eating I could tell something was bothering her.

"What's the real reason you invited me to lunch" I asked her

"I can't ask my bestfriend to lunch" she said laughing

"Yeah but I can tell you have something to tell me" I said giving her my full attention

"umm..well..I-Im pregnant"

"Omg really!" I said excited "Wait if you and David don't fuck around no more who's baby is it" I asked

"T.k's" she said putting her head in her hands.

"I ain't even know you talked" I said surprised

"We don't. It only happened once" she said shaking her head

"Well let's go get our nails done to get your mind off it , I'll pay" I said trying to cheer her up

I payed the bill and then we went to the nail shop. Me and Diamond sat next to each other getting our nails done.

"Girl guess who came over last night" the girl behind me said all loud

"Who" Her friend said

"Bitch Vontae and he put in work bitch , I woke up this morning sore" She said even louder

"Did she just say Vontae" I said looking over to Diamond

"Excuse me Vontae as in Da'Vontae" I asked the girl

"Yeah" she said rolling her neck .

"Bet" I said turning back around to let the lady finish my nails

"He must think I'm stupid" I said to diamond pulling in the drive way.

"I'm gone wait in the car" Diamond said

I looked over and seen T.k's car. "No your coming inside and your gone tell him" I said getting out the car.

Diamond followed behind me. "Da'Vontae!" I yelled walking in the house.

I walked to the living room and of course it was a room full of his niggas.

"So you was with another bitch last night" I said walking over to him

"What you talking bout" Vontae said

"Don't play dumb Vontae you know exactly what I'm talking bout" I yelled

"I came home to you last night" he said standing up

I pushed him back down on the couch and said "You didn't come home till 3 in the fucking morning , So where were you before that"

"I already told you I was at Jay house"

"Wrong answer. YOU WAS FUCKING WITH A LAME ASS HOE! I yelled slapping him

"I'm done with you" I said walking upstairs to pack mine and Zariah's stuff.


Every body in the living room was laughing at the fact Nakiyah slapped Vontae. But Nakiyah was right I need to tell T.k.

"T.k can I talk to you real quick"

He got up and followed me to the bathroom. "You miss me huh" he said giving me a kiss

"I have something to tell you" I said


I went in my purse and pulled the pregnancy test out of the box. "I'm pregnant" I said handing it to him.

"How I know its mine" he said

"Because your the only person I had sex with this whole month"

He rubbed his hands over his face then sat down on the toilet. "I'm not ready for a baby man" he said

"I'm not either I'm 17 and this gone be my second child." I said

"How much money you need for a abortion" he said

"A abortion ? Really? You got life fucked up if you think I'm about to abort my baby"

"Alright Damn my bad , look I'm gone be here for you and this baby" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead. 

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