Chapter 5

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"Nakiyah" somebody said as I walked in the living room.

I looked and seen that it was Zariah's dad Messiah. He used to be my everything but when I got locked up he didn't visit, answer my calls, or write me back.

"If its not about Zariah stop talking to me"

"Stop acting like that , come here" he said waving his hand telling me to come sit by him.

"Nope because if I come over there I'm slapping the fuck out of you". I said and walked out the door.

A few hours later I went up to my room at the group home and started packing my things.

"Your leaving" Kiara said walking into the room

"Yeah tomorrow" I said sitting on the bed.

"Well then we going out tonight get ready" she said pulling me off the bed

"I'm only 17 so I hope its a house party" I said laughing

"Girl we going to the club , its 18 and older but I know somebody that can get us in " she said plugging her flat iron in.

By the time we both took our showers and did our hygiene and got dressed her boyfriend was outside waiting for us.

We walked into the club and Kiara dragged me straight to the dance floor.

2 hours later

I was walking around looking for Kiara but I got stopped when somebody grabbed my arm.

"Wtf" I said turning around

"My bad Ma" Vontae said

"Its good" I said laughing

"You ready to go" Kiara said locking her arm with mine

"Can I get your number so I can bring you out or something" he asked

I gave him my number and left with Kiara

I went home took a shower and got into my pajamas.

"You my new turn up buddy, You fun to go out with" Kiara said getting under her covers

"Turn up then" I semi yelled so I wouldn't wake any one up.

I got under my covers and then my phone started ringing.

Phone convo


"What you doing Ma " Vontae asked

"About to go to sleep"

"You coming by big man house tomorrow" he asked

"Yeah I'm moving in tomorrow"

"Good so I can see my baby all the time now"

"Baby" I questioned

"Yeah you my baby" he said

"What ever" I said blushing

"You blushing huh"

"Just a Lil" I said as we both laughed

"Nakiyah shut up" Kiara said throwing a teddy bear at me.

"I gotta go" I laughed

"Alright good night future" he said

"Good night Vontae" I said hanging up

I put my phone on the charger and fell asleep.

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