Chapter 23

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"Mom hurry up!" I yelled growing inpatient.

It was finally time for my party. I been waiting all week for this. My mom finally walked back into the living room and gave me a huge smile.

"My little baby growing up on me" She said moving a piece of hair out of my face.

"Enough with all of that I'm ready to go" I laughed grabbing her hand pulling her out the front door.

We walked to the car and made our way to my party.


I walked into the building in total awee. It was a glow in the dark party. 'Thats why she made me wear all white' I thought to myself. The party was already live and crowded.

My mom grabbed my hand and we made our way through the crowd towards the DJ that was on stage. The DJ looked at me and stopped the music. Causing everybody to look his way.

"The birthday girl is officially in the building!" He yelled as everybody in the room started cheering. A smile spread across my face as I laughed.

Karina walked over to me and gave me a hug "happy birthday again best friend" she said. "Thanks" I Replied

I looked back over where the Dj was and seen my mom and dad standing there as they both took a microphone.

"We have a few things to say about our baby girl" my dad said smiling at me. I smiled back.

"On this day 15 years ago I was in labor for 6 hours with this big headed little girl." My mom said laughing causing everybody else to laugh.

"But it was worth it because after those 6 hours my beautiful baby girl came into this world and made my life 10 times happier" my mom said as tears formed in her eyes.

My dad grabbed her hand and started to speak "I remember holding her the very first time in the hospital. I looked into her eyes and Instantly fell in love . She made a nigga soft" he said as me and the crowd laughed.

"But the moral of the story is that we love you Zariah and always will no matter what" my mom said.

"It yo motherfucking glo day baby! Turn up!" My mom and dad shouted into the microphones as the music started again.

That speech started my night off good knowing my mom and dad are there for me means everything. I snapped out of my thoughts as Karina pulled me to the dance floor.

It was the end of the party and everybody was leaving. I was standing by the door waiting with Karina and some of my other girls.

"I got his number but I aint gone use it I was just making his ugly ass girlfriend mad" my girl Jasmine said finishing her story.

I laughed and shook my head. "You aint no good" I laughed.

Karina looked at me with a big grin on her face. "Karina why you looking at me like that" I asked curious.

" you did that dance earlier when you was like" She started doing the dance I was doing.

I shook my head "No your doing it wrong" I laughed. "Show me how to do it then" she laughed.

"I guess I'll fuck it up one more time for ya. You know" I said. They all laughed. "It was like this right" Karina said putting her arm up snapping her fingers.

"No you gotta move your hips with it.... Like this"

I put my arm up and moved my hips with it like how Beyonce did in her drunk in love video. "Then do the thing you did after that" she said.

I did as she said and started twerking but Instantly stopped when I felt somebody behind me. Karina laughed clapping her hands together.

I turned around and seen Isaiah standing there with a big grin on his face. I snapped my head back to Karina and gave her a death stare knowing she knew he was behind me the whole time.

"Can I talk to you real quick" Isaiah said grabbing my hand. I shook my head yeah and followed his lead.

"You looked good tonight ma" he said smiling at me.

I felt myself blushing and looked away so he wouldn't see. "Thanks" I said looking back towards him only to see his eyes never left my face.

"We should hang out tomorrow" he said pulling me closer to him.

I hesitated for a minute not knowing if I should say yeah or not. Well I guess what could
possibly go wrong.

"Yeah that sound cool" I said looking up at him.

"Alright we can just chill or something I'll come by your house" he said.

"Alright just call me when your on your way" I said. He pulled me even closer to him.

"Alright beautiful" he said looking into my eyes. He bit his bottom lip and started leaning in for a kiss.

"Woaah there" My dad said putting his arm in between us and pushed me back a little.

"Uhn uh..Nope..keep your lips to your self home boy" my dad said shaking his head.

"Daddy stop" I said feeling embarrassed. He was about to say something until my mom approached us.

"Leave these children alone" my mom said to my dad.

He looked at her like she was crazy , then looked back and forth between me and Isaiah. Then a grin grew upon his face.

"Only if you give me a kiss" my dad said leaning down towards my mom.

My mom laughed and shook her head. "You know I can't do that" she said pushing his head back.

"Exactly so I aint leaving them alone" he said.

I looked away and put my hand on my forehead. Knowing he wasn't going to leave.

"Is that Karina out there letting that boy kiss on her neck" my mom lied pointing outside.

My dad turned around and walked out the door. Karina was like a niece to my dad so he wasn't having it.

Me and my mom laughed "Hurry up before he come back in" my mom said then exited out the door.

"Sorry about that" I said to Isaiah.
"It's good. I'll see you tomorrow" he leaned down and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

I watched him walk away and all I could think about was damn he looks so good!

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