Chapter 25

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I got out of bed did my hygiene and headed to my closet. I didn't get all dressed up because I was just dropping Zariah off at school. I put on a 'PINK' jogging suit and slipped on my white air force's.

I walked into Zariah's room and seen Zariah sleep on her bed and Isaiah on her fluffy couch. I forgot he was here last night everything was just so crazy.

But I'm not going to sit around and mope about it all day. I walked over to Zariah and shook her to wake her up.

"Wake up before your late for school" I said still shaking her.

"5 more minutes" She mumbled.

Zariah's 5 minutes meant a whole hour. I smacked my lips and pulled the covers off of her bed. "Get up Zariah." She smacked her lips and looked over at Isaiah who was now awake.

"Morning Isaiah" I said to him.

"Good morning ms. Brown" he said rubbing the sleep out his eyes. I laughed "You don't have to call me that you can call me Nakiyah"

He smiled and nodded his head. I looked back at Zariah and saw she was falling back asleep with out the blanket. I laughed because her dad does the same thing.

"I swear you just like your daddy" I laughed shaking my head "Get up before I drag you out this damn bed"

She sighed loudly and got out of bed. I walked out and went downstairs to start breakfast.


I heard Isaiah and Zariah coming in the kitchen. I'm guessing Isaiah came with a bag or something because he had on a different outfit.

I fixed there plates and set it in front of them . As I was about to start eating the door bell rang.

I walked to the door and looked out the window but nobody was there . I looked down and seen a envelope. I opened the door and grabbed the envelope. I looked around one last time before closing the door.

I walked back into the kitchen and grabbed my Orange juice. I looked over at Zariah and Isaiah seeing they were caught up in their conversation. I leaned against the counter and looked at the envelope.

'Just for you Nakiyah' It said in top of the envelope. I opened it and pulled out a ultra sound and a piece of paper. 'I'm 3 months pregnant with Vontae's baby , you don't know me but I know you. Just thought you should know since you thought you was the only bitch' It read. I spit my Orange juice out that was in my mouth.

"You okay ma" Zariah asked furrowing her eyebrows. "oh. Um. Yeah I'm good just choked a little" I lied.

"What's in the envelope" she asked pointing at it.

"Nothing just umm.. Uh... Junk mail nothing important" I forced a fake smile.

She looked at Isaiah and back at me. "Mom stop lying whats in the envelope.".

I sighed and walked to the Island where they were sitting. I slipped the envelope to her and sat down with my head in the palm of my hands, Trying not to cry.

"I swear when I see him I'm busting him in his shit" Zariah said shaking her head. I shot my head up at her "Watch your mouth and No your not bout to do nothing , come on let's go" I said grabbing my keys.

"It's okay Ma Isaiah gone drive us in his car" she said.

I nodded gave her a hug and kissed her on her cheek. After they left I just sat on the couch and stared at the Blank T.v. sitting in front of me.

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