Big Man

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We walked to the door at the group home and knocked.

A lady with long brown hair , she was skinny and tall , brown skinned answered the door.

"Hi you must be Nakiyah come in" She said moving over so I could walk in

"Once you get settled in we will go over the rules " She said leading me to my room.

Out of all the group homes and foster homes this one was really fancy and big .

"This is your roommate Kiara I'll be back in 10 minutes to talk to you

"If you need anything call me" my social worker said walking out

"That's your bed over there " Kiara said

"You can pick any dresser and if you need extra space just let me know " Kiara said

"Thanks but I didn't bring any clothes with me but these" I said laughing

"Oh well don't worry Ms. Lauren will give you money to go shopping. " Kiara said

Okay Nakiyah so here are the rules , you can have your phone but when a case worker or something like that comes over do not have it out , Also no fighting in my house , You do have chores but there real simple, And your curfew is 11:00 pm . " Ms. Lauren said

This group home is nothing like the others the rules would of been like a book.

"Ooh yeah and here goes a credit card to go to the mall I put money on it every month, I'll drop you off and pick you up" she said handing me a credit card

"Alright thanks"

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower . I got out wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth . I looked in my bag and seen I had a clean outfit bra and underwear , I had it when I got locked up because I was going to stay at my friends house that night. (Outfit in MM)

"You ready" Ms. Lauren yelled from downstairs

"Yeah I'm ready" I said walking downstairs

About 15 minutes later we pulled up to the mall. "I'll just catch the bus home" I said to her. "Are you sure" she asked. "Yeah I'll be back by 11" I said getting out the car.

I walked into the mall and went to Charlotte Russe , After I found a outfit I went to footlocker.
After I got my shoes and checked out I went to the food court.

I sat down at a table and started eating my chick-fil-A . Then my phone started ringing. I didn't recognize the number but I answered anyway

Phone convo


"Yo Nakiyah wassup" A mans voice said into the phone

"Who is this" I said with a attitude

"Its big man you forgot about me all ready " he said

"Aw hey big man , my bad I aint know who you was " I said laughing into the phone

"I see you out" big man said

"Yeah but I know I'm taking a big risk but I need to get back in these streets man but I'm back in Atlanta"

"Oh word, swing by the trap I got you Lil cuz" he said

"Alright text me the address" I said and hung up

He texted me the address and I put it in the gps on my phone and seen it was right around the corner so I decided to walk.

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