Chapter 11

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*Ring ring ring*

I woke up this morning to my phone ringing. Before I answered it I slowly got out of Vontae's arm and walked to the guest room so I wouldn't wake him up.

"Hello" I said answering the phone.

"Hey Nakiyah it's your mom sorry for calling so early"

I looked at the time and seen it was 7:00 "It's okay" I said rubbing my eyes

"You think you can come over around 8:30 or 9:00" She asked

"Yeah just text me the address"

"Alright see you later"

I hung up the phone and took a quick shower. After I did my hygeine I went in the closet and picked out something simple (outfit in MM)

By the time I was done with my hair and makeup it was 8:30. I walked down the stairs and through the living room quietly so I wouldn't wake anybody up.

I pulled up to the address that was only 10 minutes away. The house was huge , it was red and white. I walked up to the door and knocked.

My mom opened the door and invited me into the living room. We talked about everything from why they couldn't get me back to my siblings to Zariah and me being in jail.

It was 10:00 and I left to go get Zariah.

"You want some Wendy's" I asked Zariah

"Yeah but I just want ice cream I ate already" She replied

I pulled into Wendy's and we walked inside.

"Can I get Two Frosties one vanilla one Chocolate Both small" I said

"Is that all for today"


"Okay your total will be $4.23"

I started pulling out my wallet "I got it" The person behind me said handing the cashier $5. I rolled my eyes knowing it was Messiah Zariah's dad.

I grabbed our frosties and with my other hand I grabbed Zariah's. By the time I got Zariah in her car seat Messiah walked out with one of his friends.

"Nakiyah we need to talk" he said

"You got two minutes. Talk" I said crossing my arms

"I know you mad at me but I wanna work on us and be there for my daughter" he said placing his hands on my waist

"First don't touch me" I said moving his hands "Second there is no US but you do need to be there for Zariah" I said

"What you mean there's no us" he said mean muggin me

"Exactly what I said there is no us , You do you and I'm gone continue doing me."

"Man W.e I'll call you later to talk about Zariah" he said walking away.

3 weeks later

I just got done getting me and Zariah ready for today and I put on cartoons for her to watch while I went to See what Vontae was doing.

Before I continue Vontae and I are now official , but anyways..

I walked into Vontae's room and seen him laying in bed on his phone.

"What you doing" I said laying next to him

"Waiting for T.k and them" he said still looking at his phone

I rolled my eyes at the fact that he's always on his phone. "Well I'll see you later" I said getting off the bed

"I can't get a kiss" he asked

"Nope bye" I said then walked out the room

I dropped Zariah off at her dads then went to meet Diamond at this Mexican restaurant she always eats at.

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