3. Her Substitute

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Hinata POV
(In the morning- At home)

I grab the lucky charms cereal from the pantry cabinet and pour it into my bowl with milk. I take a spoonful scoop but and quickly taste the delicious marshmallows that make my tongue tingle. My mom notices me and giggles, "Shoyo you told me that only Natsu eats that cereal, but it looks like you eat it too." She smiles and my face turns red.

"W-We ran out of toast so I-I just want to try some lucky charms," I stammer, but my mom just keeps her smile. "Well I'm glad that you like the cereal," she says and hands me a small piece of paper with an address on it. "Can you pick up your sister after volleyball practice today?" My mom tells me at kitchen table.

I take the small piece of paper from her hands. "Of course I can take Natsu home," I happily say and run over to Natsu who just woke up from bed. "How about it?" I grin and she softly smiles.

"Sure Shoyo-nii," Natsu answers say sleepily.

"Thanks Shoyo, your father won't get home till later so I can't ask him," my mom sighs. "How about I'll take you two to school today just make your day easier and later on you two can just walk home."

"Thanks!" Natsu and I say as we hear my mom's great proposal.

Kimiko POV
(At home - Father's office)

"Kimiko. I have something to announce to you today and to the people of the future," my father says his back turned to me and his legs crossed. "Ken you can leave now." My father orders.

"No don't leave Ken. Stay here." I tell him. I can't be alone with father just the idea makes me afraid of being near him. He sighs hearing my statement and continues speaking.

"A year ago, Natsuki left the Serizawa household for herself and over this timespan I have come to make a decision that I think will benefit the both of us," he tells me. Benefit what benefit?! I angrily think to myself. All I can ever want is to bring back the good memories of when Natsuki was here, but even that is just a dream.

"May I ask what this benefit is?" I question not showing a sign of emotion. He called me out so it must be something important for him to take his time away to tell. I stare at the back of his chair... He can't even look at me when he's trying to me something.The light in this room are dim, this place just reminds me of the past with Natsuki... I hate it. I hate how this room is where most of my memories come from.

"I want you to be trained to become the next head of Serizawa family." He turns his chair around and for the first time in my life I was facing him with his cold green eyes piercing though my soul. "Do you have any objections to my decision?" I stand there stunned in shock and anger. How can he just dump Natsuki aside and put me as the head instead.

Ken notices my shaking anger and tries to speak up for me, but I stop him. "I have nothing to argue against," I calmly answer to my father. Of course I'm angry of course I want to say something... But this man will never understand me. He will never understand his children.

"Correct. You should be proud that you are given such a opportunity to take over the Serizawa Household. If you can consider the gains over being the head then you would be foolish to reject it." He says, "Your only twelve so you have time, in 6 years I'll make it so that by the time you're Natsuki's age, you'll know all the politics and skills needed for the task." He turns his chair back around, "You may leave now."

I take my bow and Ken does the same as we both leave his office. Once the door shuts Ken explodes in anger, "Mr. Serizawa is putting too much pressure on you. He's not considering your feelings, he's just making you Natsuki's substitute. You're only 12," he tries to comfort me, but I slap his hand to reject his kindness.

"I can face the eyes of jealousy everyday... But I just want my dad to recognize me, if this is the way I have to get his recognition than there's no choice," I say with hopeless eyes. If being a substitute means being noticed my father then I don't really have much of a choice.

"Kimiko," Ken quietly says, but turns away and doesn't say a word.

"I'm sorry Ken, but I have to do this." I say looking him in the eye.

The two of us walk in an awkward silence to my room and I see my mom waiting there with open arms. "Kimiko I heard from your father I'm so proud of you." My mom hugs me and just from being near her, I can smell the reeking perfume she puts on herself. "You're going to be the head of the Serizawa household. I knew this day was going to come!" She exclaims in joy.

"Thanks," I fake a smile and Ken says nothing.

"That illegitimate child, Natsuki was never suppose to be the head. She's a bitch that takes everything away from you," my mom makes a snide comment and I notice Ken forming a fist with his hand in anger.

"No mom. I never saw Natsuki in that way. She's my sister and a person I'll always admire," I bluntly tell her and she frowns.

"Whatever child. I'm just glad that man sees the potential you have to be the next heir," my mom says in a snooty manner and she takes her leave.

"I'm sorry Kimiko I almost lost my cool," Ken says and I shake my head.

"No I would do the same if that woman wasn't my mother." I tell him. That woman has never came to visit me until now, I don't want to call her my mother. Natsuki is more like mother than she'll ever be.

"Ken can you leave too. I need some time on my own." I ask of him and he nods his head.

"Of course Kimiko," he bows his head and ruffles my hair. "You're not alone there are people are there who care of you." He gives me a gentle smile.

"I know..." I say and I close the door. Once I knew Ken was gone, the tears began to fall as I think about what just happened in the last hour.... I'm nothing. No one sees me as Kimiko. My dad sees me as Natsuki's substitute. My mom sees me as a personal gain to get into the Serizawa household. Even Ken sees me as Natsuki's sister, after all if it wasn't for that I'm sure he'll leave me too. I look at the clock and it's already 5 pm.

Thoughts that I never thought would roam my mind begin stabbing me in the heart. How does running away feel? How did Natsuki feel when she told father that she no longer wanted to be a part of the Serizawa name. I should have left with her, but my mother would have never let me. I'm not Natsuki, I don't have the guts to speak out what I want and I can only mask it with an overbearing cold face.

I rub the tears off my eyes and stand up as I write a letter about my temporary leave. It's not like people care if I'm gone for a week or two. Dad won't notice, mom won't care, maybe Ken might but that's about it. I'm not running away like Natsuki. I told them that I'm going to be gone for about a week or two. The school won't care about my attendance anyways, my father will probably just say I'm taking a break, by being homeschooled again.

I take a bag and put the things I need along with my violin... The one thing I could never leave in the household. I look back at my empty room... Just maybe getting away for a while would be the best. I slowly turn the knob and open the door. I breath in and out...this is my choice. I look both ways as I take my leave.

This is the beginning of my story of where I meet the person who's smile lights up my black and white world.

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