30. Betrayal

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Kimiko POV

I can't focus on my studies because of what happened yesterday.

"I-I love you Shoyo and I want to be your girlfriend"

Thinking back to that confession, I almost want to cringe. It's so lame that I told him my feelings through video call. It's even beyond embarrassing how I confessed to him, yet at the same time, I have no regrets.

I never would have thought that Shoyo would feel the same way about me and agree to be my boyfriend, but now we're dating. I'm so lucky.

"You seem happy," Ken notices. "Did something good happen?"

My cheeks flush. "Is it obvious?" I ask as I cover bright red cheeks. 

Ken analyzes me suspiciously. "It is but the last time I saw you, you were frustrated about the conversation you had with your mother and got angry at me... yet now I'm seeing the complete opposite, what exactly happened to make you so ecstatic now?"

As Ken asks me this, the events that happened yesterday flood my mind. That's right. I have been so invested on how my confession went with Shoyo that I ended up pushing away everything that happened between my mom and I. And maybe that is for the best, I don't want to think about those kind of things anymore.

I glance over to Ken and remember the words that I yelled at him with. I was harsh to him even when he was asking about my well-being. I feel horrible. "Sorry Ken, I didn't mean to shout at you like that yesterday. You are going through just as much as I am by staying in the Serizawa family in ways different from me. I should've not let my emotions get the best of me. Thanks for being by my side and never leaving me," I apologize.

Ken's eyes dilate and he pats my head. "It's fine... we all make mistakes. Do you want to go to Stardust café after school?" 

"Eh?" I question surprised by his sudden suggestion.

"It would be a good way to take a break from studying and..." Ken hesitates on his words. "... from everything that has been happening around you lately."

I never would have expected Ken to be the one to offer to go to Stardust Café. "Sure sounds like a plan." I answer with slight suspicions of why we are going to the café.

After school, the two of us head to the café. I think to myself of the possible reasons why Ken and I are going to the café. 

Is Ken still insistent of not having me work at the café? I only work once a week so it shouldn't be a problem since it's not affecting my grades. Or maybe he wants to meet Shoyo? I didn't tell Ken that I'm dating Shoyo now but maybe he wants to meet with Shoyo to interrogate him and this café would be the meeting spot.

"Kimiko?" Ken calls out to me and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Ken did you say something?" I question.

"I was just telling you that we arrived, but you seem deep in thought. Is there something you're worried about?" Ken worryingly says.

I let out an awkward laugh. "Today's a nice sunny day so I was in a bit of a daze."

"It is a nice day..." Ken quietly says with a small smile and opens the café door.

"Welcome Ken and Kimiko~" Jun greets.

"Nice to see you Jun," Ken waves.

"It's been a while Jun--" I greet as I enter the café to greet Jun, my heart drops when I come face to face with my older sister, Natsuki, as she stands there caught off guard.

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