21. Lottery

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Kimiko POV
(Later that Day - During Lunch - At the school's building rooftop)

"Are you joking with me?! You want to go hangout with them this Sunday?!?" Ken shouts after I explain the plans that I made with Amu in the car earlier today and I nod my head.

"I mean I haven't seen Shoyo and Natsu in so long that I want to have a day where I can hang out with them to see how they're doing. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that right?" I question and he punches the top of my head.

"Owww! What was that for?!" I angrily shout.

"Didn't you hear a single thing that I told you this morning?! Your parents might get suspicious if you continue to be like this?!" Ken scolds me like a nagging parent.

"You keep saying suspicious but how?! At home, nothing has changed. Dad and mom are the same even after I came back home," I tell him.

"Even so, they're not gullible," Ken mumbles then sighs. "If you ever get caught lying to them then they won't trust you anymore. They'll probably restrict what you do even more since you're currently in line to be the head of the Serizawa family."

"I know..." Kimiko purses her lips. "I know that you're trying to help me to the best of your ability but I won't let myself get consumed by what the Serizawa household wants me to do anymore. I will be the one to choose what I want to do," I confidently declare. "Amu said she's fine being an excuse if needed. So don't worry, if they ask then I'll just say I went to hangout with Amu not Shoyo and Natsu."

"Still..... lying to them is not exactly the solution," Ken mumbles worried.

"It's not but what choice do I have? If not then I'll just be trapped and end up like Natsu-nee," I answer and Ken doesn't say a word.

"I understand.... if that's the case then I'll let it go," Ken sighs. "Anyways what time on Sunday? I'll come with you to make sure you're safe and to meet Shoyo myself—-"

"Ken please you can't come! You're make it super awkward!" I plead and Ken's eyes widen.

"Hah?" Ken blurts out surprised. "It's literally my job to babysit you and your sister. That's why your parents took me in. Why are you asking me to not watch you???"

"You're not a babysitter that's what Nee-san always said when she picked you up and I agree! Live a normal high school student life! Go hang out with your friends or join a club! Stop being a loner!" I tell him off.

Ken's eyes widen dumbfounded by my words. "Then I'll just watch over you from afar—"

"No! You better not follow me around while I'm with them. They're think you're a stalker or something," I argue and Ken facepalms himself.

"Fine. You're old enough at this point to take care of yourself. Anyways if that's the case, have your phone always on and update me what's going on okay?" Ken says and I nod my head.

"Of course," I grin.

The bell rings and Ken grabs his bag then swings it to his shoulder. "You better go to class, you can't afford having anymore absences right?"

"Hahaha very funny," I sarcastically laugh.

As I head back to class, the tips of my lips turn up. Shoyo! Natsu! Just you wait! Sunday is going to be tons of fun!

Hinata POV
(Sunday morning - At the Mall)

"Shoyo why are you standing there so nervously?" Natsu asks as she walks around me in circle.

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