8. Everyday Wish

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Kimiko POV
(Friday - At Shoyo's home)

"Kimiko! Let's go! Let's go!" Natsu shouts as she drags me around the house. " I want to go play outside with you!" She cries aloud and I stare at her with a puzzled expression.

Kids can be so strange. They could be so cute yet at the same time so spoiled without people thinking bad against them.


I wonder if I was like that when I was a little kid to Natsuki and Ken whenever I wanted to play with them. I sweatdrop. I probably was exactly like this.... maybe even worse.

"Natsu I'm going to grab my backpack to carry some snack and water bottles," I escape from her grasp and quickly run to my room.

I take in a deep breath then exhale out once I'm in my room. Apparently Natsu doesn't have school today because the daycare called in for break so I'm taking care of her since no one else is home.

I stuff some water bottles into my bag along with some snacks.

I sigh. To tell the truth, I'm always surrounded by adults in the Serizawa family that I'm not used to being around kids my age or younger than me. My mom also never interacted with me so I'm not sure how I should take care of a child like Natsu.

The door suddenly slams open with Natsu crossing her arms with a frown on her face. "Kimiko you're taking too long! We need to go now or else all the swings will be taken." Natsu states and pulls me out of the house before I know it. 

(At the park)

"Kimiko c'mon and play with me," Natsu waves for me to come over as she slides down the slide.

I give her a small wave with a smile, but let her continue playing on her own.

I swing my feet sitting on a bench and watch Natsu enjoy herself with some kids from the neighborhood. 

I guess this is what you call a missing childhood memory. I'm already 12 and I don't have many memories playing in a park unless it was sneaking out with Natsuki and Ken. I was always kept in that mansion my entire life that seeing Natsu now could only make me think about the childhood life I could've had if I wasn't a Serizawa.

"Is that your child?" Someone playfully comments.

A black hair man around his early 20s appears in front of me with a lucky-go smile on his face. His demeanor doesn't seem dangerous, but I find it weird to see a grown man here for no apparent reason.

"It's my friend's sister," I vaguely answer. "Anyways I'm not suppose to talk to strangers." I turn my head to the side and the man chuckles as he takes a seat next to me on the bench.

"Hmmm... we aren't really strangers," the black hair man says with a mysterious smile. "Rather I think you and me are pretty closely related with each other." He offers his hand out. "My name is Jun Tsukiyomi. Please to meet you~"

I stare at his hand and shake it. "My name is Kimiko." I give him my first name only still hesitate about why this man is so friendly. I can't tell if he's just being a nice guy or a pervert lurking around.

"Hm.... Kimiko," he mumbles with a slightly sad look on his face for a split second, but puts up a smile. "That's a nice name."

I sweatdrop. "I guess... But why are you at the park? I don't think a grown adult would come here for no reason," I question and he shrugs.

"This place brings back some memories back when I was in high school. I come here every so often take in some fresh air during my break," he says and looks up to the sky. "Being here makes me forget about everything pulling me down. The sky is so open and constantly changing just like how people are given so many different opportunities that there's not time to look back, but only see what's in front of you." He claims.

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