26. Pressure

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Kimiko POV
(10 minutes before the start of the match)

Something isn't right.

Neither Amu nor Shiro are back yet and we only have 10 minutes before the match starts. If they don't come back then they're going to be replaced by someone else.

I glance over to Kazue who appears worried about the current situation as well. Knowing how stubborn those two are, they wouldn't let Kazue replace them for this match—-

"Wait I'm back!" I hear a familiar voice shout.

Everyone turns around including me and we see Shiro running over to us.

"Thank goodness you came back!" Seki happily hugs Shiro but it looks like she was squeezing the life out of her.

I sigh in relief. That's good—-

"Shiro where's Amu?" Kazue asks once she realizes that only Shiro was the one to come back to the court.


I quickly look around but don't see Amu anywhere. Where is she?! I turn back to Shiro anticipating to hear her answer.

"...." Shiro clears her throat. "When Amu found me, she told me that her stomach wasn't feeling well so she has to sit this match out," she innocently answers. "I didn't want to go on my own but I had to leave her so I wouldn't miss the match."

Shiro, she's lying. Amu was perfectly fine before she went to find Shiro. I don't know why she's lying like that. What's the purpose? Shiro doesn't like Amu but how does kicking Amu out like this help her in any way? It's obvious that she did something and I'm more surprised that she would scheme something so poorly planned. Shiro isn't stupid.

"Captain... what do we need to do now with Amu not here," Nao asks.

Kazue stares at Shiro silently then turns to Nao. "Alright. We don't have time to check on Amu right now but I hope she will feel better later as the match progresses." Kazue turns to the benches with the other players. "Reiko, you'll be substituting Amu for this match so start warming up with Kimiko."

"Right!" She shouts.

Kazue turns to me waiting to hear my answer.

"Right..." I softly answer with not much of a choice to counter.

As I pick up the volleyball on the ground, I walk by Shiro and subtly stop. "Why would you lie?" I question Shiro. "Captain isn't gullible but she's not the type to interrogate and put the blame to anyone, especially at a time like this."

"..." Shiro clenches her fists. "What would you understand? Working hard but no one looking your way because there's always someone better than you." She bitterly says. "I had to do something for myself."

Looking into her eyes, I can see a reflection of myself. Shiro and I are much more alike than I thought when it comes to the challenges we have to face in our everyday lives. I don't know her background but whatever she did now, maybe it can be fixed before it's too late. "Shiro I know how it feels to work hard and not be recognized but this isn't the way. You still have a chance to stand out to the people you want to reach out to, you—-"

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