9. Show & Tell

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Kimiko POV
(Monday - Kindergarten class)

I'm super nervous right now. I never felt so nervous in my life. I gulp as I awkwardly stand in front a bunch of small kids who are just staring at me like I'm some kind of alien.

I'm currently with Natsu in her class and feel very out of place. I take in a deep breath to calm myself down.

Normally I'm around adults so being in the presence of kids... it's definitely not my forte.

I've been practicing to introduce myself for almost week, but right now I forgot everything I rehearsed. I wish Shoyo was here but he's heading to his practice match against Aobajousai.

My face pales. I'm definitely not ready for this!!!!

"TA-DA!" Natsu happily shows me off to her class. "This is Kimiko!" Natsu happily introduces me to the all kids in her class.

I give the kids a small wave and all the kids gawk in amazement.

I sweatdrop. I'm technically suppose to be in Shiratorizawa Academy because it's a school day, but instead I'm in Natsu's kindergarten class so it probably looks like I'm ditching school... which I technically am.

Not so much of a great role model for kids...

But it doesn't seem like anyone here minds that I'm here in the first place, I guess it's not that suspicious that I'm here and not in school?

"Kimiko go ahead and introduce yourself to the class," the teacher says and I feel all the butterflies in my stomach.

"M-My n-nam-me i-is," I stutter and my mind starts to panic.

Natsu takes a hold of my hand and my eyes widen. I close my eyes to clear my mind. I try to imagine the little kids as just Shoyo and Natsu. Just by trying to picture them. The unsettling feelings of nerves stop and redo my introduction. 

"My name is Kimiko, I'm 13 years old. I'm a first year in Shiratorizawa Academy. I am a setter for the girls volleyball team and I play violin," I greet and everyone awes in amazement.


Now what's going to happen?!

I anxiously look around and see Natsu smiling at me. A small smile forms on my face.

At least she's happy...

A kid notices the violin case that I'm carrying and shoots up his hand up. "Can you play violin for us?!" He asks and the kids' eyes widen when they realize that I'm carrying my violin case.

"She has a violin!" One of the boys shouts pointing to my violin case.

"I want to hear her play too!" A girl blurts out and soon the whole room goes chaotic.

It's amazing how kids have so much energy... I guess this is what it's like to go to a public school rather than being homeschooled. You're surrounded by kids your age and there's always fun things to do.

The teacher claps her hands to get the kids' attention. "Everyone if you want her to play violin, then what do you have to say to our guest?"

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