20. Natural Flow

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(Next Day ~ Early Morning)

Being the early bird that I am, I get myself ready in the morning so that a little later on I'll be able to help Kimiko prepare for school. To me, this is the usual routine of my everyday life in the Serizawa household. Wake Kimiko up in the morning, make breakfast, take her to school, take her home, make sure she follows her extra classes outside of school if she has any, cook dinner, and have her be in bed by 10. Even when Natsuki was here, it was always like that.

I don't like Mr. Serizawa nor do I like Mrs. Serizawa, yet at the same time I'm grateful for them. They took me in thanks to Natsuki's influence and what I have now is a blessing compared to before I met them.

As I put my uniform coat on, I hear a knock on the door.

Who would need to talk to me this early in the morning?

"Who is it?" I ask.

"Kimiko," she answers.

I slightly frown and check the time. It's 6 o'clock in the morning. She's never up this early. Why exactly is she awake now?

"You can come in," I tell her.

The door open and she comes in with her school uniform on. Just looking at her expression, she has that "I'm fully ready to go to school let's go" kind of look.

"Why are you awake so early?" I ask surprised. "You're not a morning person either."

"I know I'm not. I'm going to meet Shoyo and Natsu at her school today," Kimiko tells me and I freeze.

"Hah?" I blurt out. "No seriously why are you awake so early?"

"To meet them," Kimiko says slightly annoyed. "I have a classmate who drops off her siblings there too. I already got the address of her house from the school so I'm going to head over to tag along."

"I see... you got her address from the school," I mumble.

Does she not realize how sketchy she must've sounded to the school administration when she was asking them???

"Kimiko you need to be careful with how you're doing things," I caution her. "Your mom might get suspicious that you're still involved with the Hinata household. I know you don't want me to be saying this but maybe it's best not to see them."

"Ken you're over speculating things again. My mom doesn't care about me that much as long as I become the head of the Serizawa family. Besides today I'm using Amu as an excuse so that I can hang out with them. So please help me Ken," Kimiko pleads and I purse my lips.


That's what she thinks but even so Mrs. Serizawa is married to Mr. Serizawa for a reason. She is quite an intelligent woman outside of her terrible personality of hers. Mrs. Serizawa noticed the change in Kimiko's mood and called me out just yesterday night about it.

(Yesterday night...)

"Mrs. Serizawa you called me...?" I ask as I come into the room.

"Kenshi who is Kimiko associating herself with in school?" Mrs. Serizawa straightforwardly asks.

"Mostly her volleyball teammates and maybe a few classmate peers. I've seen her talk to Ushijima quite a bit as well," I answer.

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