4. Hinata Shoyo

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Kimiko POV
(Running in the direction of Karasuno)

Why am I running away? I don't even know the real reason why I'm taking my leave from the Serizawa household, yet the idea of getting out of that house that I have to call home is enough motivation to make me continue running away. I take a look at the sky and see the sun setting down I need to find somewhere to stay at least soon... Maybe I should go to Karasuno High and find Natsuki... I can see Natsuki again, I tell myself, but I stop with those thoughts.

Would she even want to see me again? We haven't see each for a year. We never kept in contact with each other after all. What if one of the reasons why she could have left could have been because of me. I shake my head on the negative thoughts that come to my mind. I can't let this pull me down. I walk forward and eventually find myself at a preschool with a playground near by. I check the time on my cellphone, I have been on the run for an hour and it doesn't seem like anyone took notice because my cellphone hasn't receive any calls.

I walk to the swing near the preschool and start swinging myself back and forth. I haven't done this in long time. With my mom's disgust on public places, I never had the chance to go enjoy myself in a place like this. Natsuki would always tell me how fun public places were like the playground and the library were. Without realizing it, my thoughts float back to the past and tears fall as I continue swinging myself back and forth. Why can't I look at what's in front of me? I swing harder to get these thoughts out of me, but to no avail am I able to look forward. I put my feet to the ground and let the swing stop. The tears I held in ever since Natsuki left pour out of my eyes as I think about my current position.

Why did father have to choose me? Why couldn't he have some hope that Natsuki was going to come back! I angrily hold onto the swing and realized how powerless I am to fate... Am I suppose to walk in the same footsteps as my father? Can't I have my own destiny to choose from. I silently sniffle to myself and hear a rustle from the bushes.

W-what was that? I turn around and see nothing there.... That's strange I turn back around and I jump back in surprise and fall off my swing seeing a little girl come out of no where. "Are you lost?" A little girl with soothing eyes and ruffle curls of orange hair pops on front of my face. What's a little girl doing here?... No it makes sense that she's here after all there's a preschool close by... But what's she's doing here all by herself.

I wipe the tears off my face and give her a small smile, "No I'm not lost." I tell her. "But shouldn't you go back to the preschool?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No my brother has to take care of some big kid stuff back there so I'm just waiting here," she happily says. Seeing her makes me think about myself when I was kid.... Actually I'm still a kid, but it doesn't feel like it. The girl takes the swing next to me and starts swinging herself. "What's your name?" She asks me.

"Kimiko Serizawa..." I tell her and pause after hearing myself say that, I shouldn't say my full name to a stranger, even if it's a kid. It isn't safe. "just call me Kimiko, what's your name?" I ask and she gives me a silly grin.

"My name is Natsu!" She answers and my eyes widen from hearing that name. I thought she was said Natsuki for a few seconds. It's just a strange coincidence that they have almost the same name. I think to myself. They aren't the same though. Natsuki is older than me and has black hair while Natsu is just a kid with orange hair plus their personalities are completely different. "Kimiko, can you push me?" She asks gesturing to the swing and I nod my head.

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