Chapter Twelve- The West free life

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Sometimes we all need a little break and a little rest.

Today day I had a West free life. Yep it was pretty hectic.

Read on to check out why.


"OUCH!" I screamed as the hard basket ball came in contact with my delicate head.

My eyes flickered across the room and landed on Tyler.

"What? It wasn't me." He defended. He was seated across the room and it couldn't of been him.

"It was me." Laughed Kat.

Ugh! I should have known!

Without thinking I grabbed the ball that had previously attacked me and gave it the hardest throw I could muster. It flew through the air as if in slow motion and landed on Kat's nose.

"Yes!" I screamed but quickly put a hand over my mouth when I saw blood coming out of his nose.

'Double yes!' I thought to myself.

"AHHH! You stupid idiot!" Screamed Kat as he stormed out of the room.

I hope he ends up in hospital. But in a different hospital then Matt or else they will work together to create a huge evil scheme! I can't have that! I'm an innocent girl. Haha innocent and I've sent one boy to hospital and another to the nurse's office. The saying it pays to be good is really true-

"Eva! Get down to the principal's office this instant!" Screamed Mr Kenam. Well obviously someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

I trudged out of the room as I heard some 'Ha-Ha's and OMG's and Eva is so cool's- okay maybe not the last bit but you get the deal.

I headed to the office and was greeted by a very grumpy office lady. One word, Miss Graplet-two words. She's always in a bad mood, even if it was raining strawberry flavoured yogurt she'd be grumpy.

"Um, Miss Graplet, Mr Stratford wanted to see me?" I inquired hoping she'd say he was busy.

"Children these days, they have no respect whatsoever. I didn't hear one excuse me Miss or please miss, or sorry miss! Wait here! He'll see you in a bit." Bellowed the beast that is Miss Graplet.

"A bit? When exactly is a bit?" I asked, purposely trying to push her buttons. Maybe she'll get sick of me and send me off back to class.

"Excuse me? Is there somewhere you need to be? Are you running late for a meeting young lady?!" She practically screamed in my face. Yep, I was definitely pushing it. How about one more nudge?

"Well, Miss Graplet, I know you're quite old and you're eyes have begun to fail you but I think you've mistaken me for a busy business woman. I don't need to attend any meetings, I just need to get to my class. I actually plan on getting on education and having a bright future and fulfilling job unlike some people." She turned pink, then red. Then purple!

"I have never seen such, rude and disrespectful pupil in my 32 years of teaching!"

"Pfft, teaching? Your an office lady-" I was cut off by a tap on my shoulder and my jaw dropped when I saw who it was.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Continued Mr Stratford, "I've just had a serious chat with your parents regarding your behaviour this past week." He led me to his office but I stopped just outside the door.

My parents are in there? But didn't they only just get back from Adelaide? I wonder who's going to kill me first, Mum, Dad, Matt or Kat?

Ahahah it rhymes.

'Eva this isn't the time for rhyming!' I reminded myself.


"I'm sorry, she does this a lot." Said my mum as my dad gave me a nudge.

"Hmm what?" I asked. When had I taken a seat next to my dad? Gosh I need to stop this day dreaming business.

"What's gotten into you? First detention, sending Matt to hospital and now this?" Said my dad as he motioned to Kat. What? When did HE get in here? I bet he dobbed on me? That stupid little boy I'm going to send him to hospit- I should stop now.

"I didn't do it on purpose, he threw the ball on my head." I pleaded trying my best to sound innocent- which I was.

"I threw it by accident!-"

"Mr Stratford, this would of never happened if Kat, being the immature and stupid, stupid boy he is, hadn't of brought his basket ball to class." I stated hoping Mr Stratford would start taking my side.

"Eva is right, what were you doing with a ball inside a classroom?" Inquired Mr Stratford.

I turned to Kat and gave him a sinister grin, "Yeah, what were you doing Kat?" I asked smugly.

"Eva!" My mum half whispered half shouted, telling me off.

"We were playing hot potato-"

I snorted at his lie and everyone turned to me, "What? He's obviously lying! What sort of 15 year old boy plays hot potato on his own?" I asked expecting a reply. Everyone stayed quiet and I could tell they were all judging me, "A mentally retarded 15 year old boy that's who."

"Missy! You are grounded for a month!" Yelled my dad as he stood from his chair. "Mr Stratford, I'm sorry but she is coming home this instant." Informed my dad, Mr Stratford nodded probably happy I was leaving for the day.


"I can't believe you embarrassed us like that Eva. What has gotten into you?" Sighed my mum rubbing her temples. We were at home having dinner and I was having my 'well deserved lecture' from my parents. Mitch was there just so he could laugh at me.

"I was never like that when I was her age." Commented Mitch with a smirk on his face.

"No, Mitch. You were worse." Argued my dad. The smirk on Mitch's face was gone. Ha!

I took this as my opportunity to turn things around, "Then how do you guys expect me to know any different? I mean Mitch is the worst role model in the whole wide world-"

"Role model?" Cut in Mitch, he began to chuckle. He's ruining this.

"Yes, role model. I see him doing something and if I do the same I'm told off. How am I supposed to now know right from wrong?" I asked hoping I was proving a point. Because really, I was saying whatever popped up in my head- and that was never good.

"For goodness sakes Eva! You're 15 not 3!" Scolded my mum. That just made Mitch laugh harder. We all shot him glares.

"Well, this was nice but I'm going to head to the....uh....library." Lied Mitch as he headed to the front door.

"You guys do know he's lying-"

"Um, Mum? dad? There's someone at the door." Yelled Mitch.




Who is at the door. And how is Eva going to survive a whole month grounded?

I'm sure she's got a plan keep you're eyes peeled for the next update!

Also to the side is a picture of the whole cast! >>>>

This chapter was dedicated to ShannaPerplies! Check out her new book, The Money Tree!




-Ed ⭐

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