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The plane ride home was absolute hell. There was a Jack on both of my sides and for the first thirty minutes they took turns letting me cry into there shirts, after that I fell asleep on Finnegans shoulder and that's how I stayed until we landed.

Once we were off the plane Sammy hugged me tight, it was clear that he didn't like seeing me like this and couldn't help, "I'm not going to judge you for crying, you can let it out." he said, hands tangled in my hair.

"I don't feel like it." I say into his chest, "I cried myself out on the plane."

He nods and let's me go, they all have a connecting flight back to Nebraska leaving soon, "Last call for flight 304 to Omaha." a lady says over the intercom.

"We'll talk to you everyday, I promise." Jack Edward says on the verge of tears.

I hug him tightly wiping away a few stray tears before I group hug Skate and Finnegan, "Text me, okay..." G says.

I nod my head and release them before Sammy quickly replaces them, we stay like that for what feels like forever before I say, "You guys better go or your plane is going to leave without you." He reluctantly let's go and they all head towards their plane, all of them looking back at me at one point or another.

I walk outside the airport and I'm immediately surrounded by fans. I love them, but today has just been to much. "Guys, I really want to take pictures with you, I really do, but today has been tough and I need to get home." I say and their faces drop.

"Is everything aright between you and Matt?" One of the girls asks.

I can feel the tears forming in my eyes, I was about to reply when I hear another fan say, "What kind of person doesn't want to take pictures with their fans?"

I look at the girl with my mouth hanging open, "Excuse me?" I ask.

Then someone starts pushing through the crowd or people, "Danny!" I yell ears rushing down my face at the sight of my brother. I wrap my arms tightly around him bury my head into his chest, he wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Sweetie," he says to the rude fan, "I think you should just fucking leave, Cora's tired and has had a rough day. Leave her the hell alone." He then lifts me up, grabs my bag, and heads towards his truck.

Once we were back at my house we sit in the truck for a minute, "You and Matthew broke up, didn't you?" I nod looking down at the floor boards.

"Alright, well," He says with a sigh, "Go and get unpacked then we need to head over to Mom and Dads for dinner."

I smile at the thought of seeing my parents again, I missed them over the month, I get out of the truck and go to my room and unpack. I throw my suitcase on the bed and start unpacking, I get halfway through the case before I see a familiar sweatshirt.

Matts "obey" sweatshirt made it's way into my suit case.

I pick it up and feel it soft inside, I pull it up to my chest and take in it's scent. It smells like his cologne, it smells like him.

I throw it on the bed and move to my connected bathroom and take a shower, I feel the warm water drip down my body as I stand there leaning against the wall for a moment.

Why did I say yes? I knew this was going to happen, yet I still did it.

Once I'm out of the shower and dressed I fix my hair and and walk into the Toy Room and turn on the light. It takes away my breath to see all my things again, I reach over and pick up a stuffed animal off a shelf and feel it's soft, plush 'fur.' I put it back down and look at a picture with melted crayon art and my name on it. Then I walk over and plop down in my favorite bean bag chair, I lean my head back and close my eyes.

"We need to go soon." Danny says.

I open my eyes and look over at him in the doorway, "Okay," I then see my reflection of my bright hair in a mirror, "can we make a stop first?"

He looks at me with confusion but says, "Yeah, but we'll have to leave right now..."

"Okay, then let's go." I say getting up from my chair and walking towards him.


I open the door to my parents house with a smile, "Mom! Dad! We're here!" Danny yells stepping inside, I can instantly smell my mothers magnificent cooking from the living room.

I walk into the kitchen and find my mother cutting peaches, "Cora!" She says abandoning her cooking to hug the living daylights out of me.

She's wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt with an apron tied around her, her eyes are the same dark brown they've always been and she's wearing that same brown lipstick I hate so much. I mean, it looks terrible, but she doesn't see it so she keeps putting it on.

"Hey, Mamma." I say hugging her tightly.

"Awe, my poor girl..." She says letting me go and putting a soft hand on my cheek.

"I'll be fine, Mamma. Really, I will." I say holding back tears, I wipe them away before asking, "Where's dad?"

"He's outside picking apples, he doesn't know you're here yet." She says with a weak smile.

I nod and walk out the back door, he's not hard to find. He's standing by one of the larger apple trees wearing jeans, cowboy boots, a short-sleeved flannel shirt, and his cowboy hat. All the men in my family dress like that, they even ride horses. It's a little ridiculous.

I walk over and pluck an apple from the tree tossing it in the bucket by my fathers feet, he looks down from the tree startled. Then his eyes meet mine and he pulls me into a hug, "My little girl's home!" he says with the biggest smile I've seen all day.

Later that night after Danny and I went home, I open up YouTube to my subscriptions. Tyler Oakley... Shane Dawson... Bethany Mota... Troy Sivan.... Matt Espinosa? I look at the title of the video, "Matt Espinosa Love Life Interview: Dating Cora Sanders?"

Oh no.

I click on the video and after the introductions the interviewer, a man with blonde hair in his early twenties, says, "So, Matthew. There have been rumors going on for a while... Are you dating Cora Sanders?"

He looks down at the ground then back up at the interviewer and says, "I did for a while, then I broke it off and I totally regret it."

"Oh that sucks man, why did you break it off?"

He looks so sad as he says, "Distance,"

The interviewer nods and says, "Now that you've moved to Los Angeles, where is home? Virginia or L.A.?"

He looks directly into the camera and says, "With her." before walking off.

(A/N: Holy sh*t that's cheesy.)

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now