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For the rest of the day we all watched Pretty Little Liars, ate lots of junk food, and teased Andrea about her relationship with Kian. The day after that we did the exact same thing after going to a meeting about Taylor's need to scream 'pubic hair' during other peoples performances.

After the meeting and our short show Cam and I go to his to film our shirt video, Cam picks up the box of t-shirts and sets it down on the floor next to all the lights and the camera. Once we were all set up and the camera was recording he picks the box up and puts it in his lap before saying, "I'm lazy, you do the intro."

I laugh and say, "Okay then. Hey guys it's Cora Sanders and today Cam and I our going to model ridiculous shirts we found on the internet! Yayyyyyyyy!" I say with mock enthusiasm, "We haven't seen these shirts in person yet so this should be interesting."

(A/N Pictures of the shirts on the side!)

Cam puts on his first shirt, a dark blue one with a picture of a bar loading and it says, 'Fart now loading ......Please wait,' and models at in front of the camera. Next it's my turn I put on a white shirt with a turtle on it and it says, 'I run. I'm slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter, but I run.'

"That is so true though!" Cam says laughing.

"Oh shut up!" I yell pushing him, almost, successfully knocking him over.

"You my have strength, but you are the least athletic person I've ever met." He says still laughing.

Next Cameron puts on a white muscle tee that says, 'Adios bitchachos,' on it with a sombrero and a mustache, "What are your thoughts on this one, my dear Cora?"

"Well... One, it makes me want a mustache. And two, can room service bring me some nachos?" I say completely serious. He laughs and hands me the phone, I then call room service and order some nachos for myself. Cam can get his own, he's a big boy. I then change into my next shirt, it's black and says, 'Thug life? Drop the "t" and get over here,'

"This is probably one of my favorites," he says nodding.

"Hugs not drugs, kids." I say with a sweet smile. Cam changes into a white shirt with a fake, bloody bullet hole on it that says, 'I am fine.' then someone knocks on the door, "Yay! Nachos!" I yell getting up.

Once I have my nachos I sit down in Cams lap as he wraps his arms around my abdomen, "This is hugging for lazy fat people." I say looking down at my food.

"Yummy." Cam says stealing a bite causing me to send him a glare. I get off his lap hand him the food and change shirts, this one is made to be an illusion making you think that I have no midsection even though it's animated and looks like it came out of Dumb Ways to Die. Such an addictive and stupid app.

I sit down next to him again and he says, "That shirt really is stupid."

"Yeah... Maybe we should burn it then throw it and Aaron and Shawns room..." I say jokingly.

Cam just smirks and says, "Well now that has to happen so stay tuned til the end of he video."

I laugh as he causally gets up and changes into a blue shirt that says, 'I'm not arguing. I'm simply explaining why I'm right.'

"That is so true..." I say looking at the shirt.

"What do you mean! I know when to stop arguing!" He says getting offensive.

"Oh please, every time you and Nash argue it goes on for hours and I always end up wondering if world war three is going to start."

"That is so not true." he says rolling his eyes.

"See what I mean." I say to the camera.

I then get up and change into my last shirt that has a picture of a T-Rex attempting to do push-ups and it says, 'T-Rex hates push-ups.' Could you blame the poor guy? His arms are like toddler arms, but shorter.

"I probably can't do a push-up, there's no way this guy can." I say looking down at the dinosaur on my boobs. I then get really sad thinking about the Espinouris Rex. Cam just laughs then does the outro, once we were finished we change back into out original clothes.

Cam tosses me the weird shirt he's probably going to burn, I was kidding apparently he was not. He then hands me the camera and turns it on so we can vlog the shirt burning in the boys room. Poor Shawn and Aaron. He then grabs a lighter and some hairspray that Mahogany left in here.

Once we were outside their room we could hear both boys in there, Cam motions for me to get the fire extinguisher before taking the camera.He then sets it up to catch all the action before opening the door, throwing the shirt on the wood-tile floor, then he goes crazy with the firey-hairspray until the shirt is completely on fire. Aaron is now running around the room yelling, "Fire! Fire!" While Shawn freaks out yelling at Cam to put the hairspray up. I take the spray from Cam and put out the fire deciding that enough was enough.

My phone vibrates in my pocket so I pull it out of my pocket while Shawn and Aaron yell at Camreon for being such an idiot. It was a pretty dumb idea.

From: Finnegan

Coraaaaaaaa!!!! Get yo ass down here it's dinner time! Bring the idiots with you

I laugh sending him a quick okay before picking up the burned shirt and showing the camera the barbecued shirt, I then look at the three 'idiots' still arguing. I grab the bullhorn off the desk before yelling, "Finnegan says it's dinner time so quit arguing before I catch you all on fire!"

They all look at me with scared eyes before taking off running towards the stairs. I look at the camera and say with wide eyes, "You want to date those guys?"

I then hear Aaron screaming like a little girl that just discovered a spider in her bed, "Well good luck with that." I say then turning off the camera.

Once I had finally reached downstairs I sat down between the Jack Edward and Nash, we get halfway through the meal before Nash gets a phone call. He checks to see who it is before getting up from the table saying he had to take the call and walking off towards the front door.

"What was that about?" I ask Cam.

"It was probably his mom." He says taking another bite of his waffles. Yes waffles, it's breakfast for dinner. It's amazing.

I then hear a familiar voice say, "What do you mean you've been hanging out with Cora Sanders?"

"I mean, I've been hanging out with Cora Sanders." Nash says sighing.

I turn around and look around the corner and see Hayes and talking, Hayes looking really excited and Nash looking pretty fed up with it already. All the while Skylynn sits on Nash's shoulders laughing that adorable laugh everyone loves. I get up out of my seat walking towards the three siblings and say, "Nash you didn't tell me Sky and Hayes we're going to be here!"

"Yeah, things have been pretty intense and weird so I thought I'd just make it a surprise." He says tossing Skylynn in the air and catching her.

Hayes looks at me with wide eyes and an open mouth, "She knows my name...."

I sigh, "Why is that always surprising? I'm an Internet addict, of course I know who you are!" Nash laughs then Hayes let's out a very girly squeal hugging me, I of course hug back. It's Hayes Grier, who wouldn't? That's like seeing an adorable puppy and not petting it, just not right or in any way sane.

Life is pretty great at the moment.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now